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Posts Tagged ‘LTC Rabbit mining pool


We liked the LTC Rabbit Scrypt mining pool as soon as we have tried it for the first time a few weeks ago when DOGE was in its peak in terms of higher profitability compared to LTC. The pool has been running stable and reliable and had a nice altcoin bonus on top of the earnings if directly mining for LTC, so a perfect choice for a backup pool that will still ensure higher profitability than directly mining for Litecoins. However lately there haven’t been any extra altcoin bonus been given by the pool and it was mining LTC most of the time anyway. The reason for that was that DOGE was not so profitable to mine anymore and the other alternative cryptos such as WDC or MEC did not perform any better than directly mining for LTC. It seems that the pool has added a few more newer and supposedly more profitable alternative cryptos including the lately very popular AUR crypto, so that it can start giving away extra altcoin bonuses again. We still have the pool as our backup mining pool and our primary one for the moment remains ScryptGuild, so check that one as well if you still haven’t.

For more information about the LTC Rabbit scrypt mining pool and to check it out…
