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Posts Tagged ‘Merit Nvidia miner

If you are mining Merit (Cuckoo Cycle Edgebit 26), Bitcash (Cuckoo Cycle Edgebit 27) or SUQA (X22i) on AMD or Nvidia GPUs you might want to check the just released update for the zjazz CUDA and OpenCL 1.2 closed source miner and start using it or just upgrade if using older version. Both the AMD and the Nvidia versions (separate downloads) of the zjazz 1.2 miner come with stratum connection stability improved (should help efficiency on all supported algorithms), but AMD users also get some optimizations added to X22i algorithm or with other words some additional performance increase should be noticeable.

The Cuckoo Cycle algorithm used by MRT and BITC is CPU intensive and the zjazz miner provides multiple options to reduce the CPU load if you are mining on a GPU mining rig with a slower processor that is having trouble coping up, so make sure you check these out. Do note that the zjazz miner is a closed source software available as binary releases for both Windows and Linux and comes with a built-in development fee of 2%.

To download and try the latest zjazz Nvidia AMD GPU Miner v1.2 for Windows and Linux…
To download and try the latest zjazz Nvidia CUDA GPU Miner v1.2 for Windows and Linux…

There is a new update of the zjazz CUDA Miner 0.97 for the Cuckoo Cycle algorithm that is being used by the Merit (MRT) and BitCash (BITC) projects. The new version comes with a number of improvements in functionality improvements, including support for BitCash mining on 3GB Nvdia GPUs (Merit was already supported on these), basic ccminer-like API support, list of failover pools is now supported and more to make mining better and problem free experience. You can find the full changelog of the new release below.

zjazz CUDA Miner 0.97 Changelog:

- Bitcash 3Gb GPUs support on Windows
- Linux CUDA 9.1 and CUDA 9.2 binaries
- First API version: ccminer-like. summary, pool, gpus and quit functions available. -b/--api-bind
- List of failover pools added. Use multiple times -o (--url)
- GPU timeout feature added: Application quits if new blocks from stratum are received and GPUs are not mining. Timeout value can be set with --gpu-timeout
- Improved stats, show hashrate detailed per GPU with --hashrate-per-gpu
- Bugfix for the --cuckoo-intensity 18 issue
- Added some debug info messages. --debug-info to enable them
- User friendly GPU memory errors presentation
- Set the number of threads per device --device-gpu-threads
- Hashrate reliable % message added
- Per line ok/ko state message added
- Force GPU processing to stop when connection with stratum server is lost
- Time to wait before reconnecting configurable: -R/--retry-pause parameter added

The Cuckoo Cycle algorithm is CPU intensive and the zjazz CUDA miner provides multiple options to reduce the CPU load if you are mining on a GPU mining rig with a slower processor that is having trouble coping up, so make sure you check these out. Do note that the zjazz CUDA Miner is a closed source software available as binary releases for both Windows and Linux and comes with a built-in development fee of 2%.

To download and try the latest zjazz Nvidia CUDA GPU Miner v0.97 for Windows and Linux…

Some more invites are available for the invite-only Merit project that we have introduced a while ago, so if you are interested in it and want to give it a try mining or using, then feel free to apply using the link below. Merit (MRT) coins can still only be mined with Nvidia GPUs, though AMD miner is in the works for a while now, there is already a third-parity Merit CUDA miner available with more options that you can try as well. Merit has its own trading market (MRT-BTC) with escrow that works fast and is really reliable, so you can buy and sell coins on the market. Since it is invite only and invites need to be mined and it is not yet listed on any major exchange, Merit is still kind of under the radar, but the last few weeks there has been a significant growth with increased interest and more people joining the project. We have a limited number of invites available to give away, so please do not waste them, we are going to send invites as soon as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. Sending multiple invite requests will not get you accepted faster, in fact will have the opposite effect of not getting you invited at all!

Click here to get your invite and register a wallet at Merit in order to be able to try it out…
