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Posts Tagged ‘Minera cpuminer


We have already talked about Minera earlier when it was released as a web-based frontend for Gridseed Scrypt ASIC miners based on sandor111’s CPUminer fork for Gridseed. However the development of Minera did not stop with Gridseed support and the latest version offers much broader support and additional useful features, making it an interesting option for using a Raspberry Pi to control your ASIC hardware. The latest version of Minera comes with sandor111’s CPUminer-GC3355 fork for Gridseed, CGminer Dmaxl Zeus fork for ZeusMiner ASICs as well as the original BFGminer and CGminer software miners and the ASIC miners they support. At the moment Minera is probably going to be most useful to miners using ZeusMiner Scrypt ASICs and we do recommend if you have one of these devices along with a RPi that you are not using for something else to check it out.

For more information and to check out the Minera web-based RPi frontend for ASIC miners…


Minera is a new web-based frontend to monitor the Gridseed devices using cpuminer and it is designed to take advantage of the sandor111’s form of cpuminer that has many additional features as compared to the original cpuminer released with Gridseed support. Minera is designed to be used under Linux like on a Raspberry Pi mining controller or a Linux Debian systems, though it might work on others as well. Minera is only a frontend that comes with the cpuminer, all the rest you need to have already installed and running prior to adding the frontend to the mining controller or system you are going to be using.


Do note that this frontend is designed for Gridseed ASICs and the cpuminer only supports Scrypt mining using them, it is not compatible with other mining solutions, but since it is a free and Open Source software you can freely modify it to support other mining hardware as well. Definetly worth checking it out if you are mining with Gridseed ASICs and like the cpuminer fork by sandor111, but even if not interested in Minera, you can check out the latest cpuminer with TUI as it just got support for failover pools as a new feature, so even without a web-based graphical frontend this miner is a very good solution.

For more information and to check out Minera web-based frontend for Gridseed ASICs…
