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Posts Tagged ‘mining pool


After having trouble for quite some time, often being offline due to attacks and various other issues and even announcing that it will be shut down permanently it seems that the mining pool Yaamp has found a solution. If you try to open the official website of the pool you will notice a message saying that it has been purchased by NiceHash and the mining has been redirected to the stratum servers of the new owner. There is also a recommendation to switch to the NiceHash mining pools as after 2015-07-31 Yaamp will stop their stratum servers that are currently just redirecting to NiceHash. So if you are still mining at Yaamp you might want to consider moving either directly to NiceHash/WestHash or another mining pool.


If you want to try to make up your own crypto currency mining pool, but are not a Linux sysadmin or too much into crypto currencies you may have a hard time figuring out how to do it as it is not as easy as it may seem. Thankfully there are resources that are as detailed as they can get to guide you through all of the basic steps you need to take to setup your own mining pool even if you are a novice with some very basic Linux knowledge. We are going to direct you to a detailed step by step guide on setting up a MPOS (Mining Portal Open Source) mining pool using NOMP as stratum (Node Open Mining Portal) on Linux, then another guide on how to do some basic things to harden your server and secure it and in the end another guide on how to setup Cloudflare as a DNS server for your pool. You can thank a user called profall for writing up these detailed guides suitable for novice users that are willing to setup their first crypto mining pool server and the links for the guides are below. These detailed guides will help you get a good start in making your first mining pool a reality, but then again you will have to be ready to learn more on the go as a pool operator, so be ready for that as well.

Novice’s Guide to Setting up a MPOS/NOMP Crypto-Currency Mining Pool…
Novice’s Guide to Hardening/Basic Security for your Mining Pool…
Novice’s Guide to Utilize Cloudflare as a DNS Server…


One of the most annoying things when mining alternative crypto currencies in a pool with automatic switching algorithm based on the current coin profitability is that you end up with a lot of different coins that you need to move and trade on an exchange. The pool ScryptGuild has just added an easy solution to this problem, by introducing a function for automatic conversion of the mined alternative coins. Previously the pool had an option for you to manually trade the mined coins directly through the pool’s interface for BTC with an extra fee of 1% fee on top of the exchange rate of 0.3%. Now, the automatic conversion to BTC has replaced that functionality and the fees remain the same, and the coins are apparently still traded on Cryptsy. However you don’t need to move them there and trade them, the trade is automatically executed every hour if you decide use this function and the BTCs get credited directly in your pool’s account. The pool offers a coin reserve function that gives you the ability to set an amount of coins that should stay in your account and not be sold automatically for BTC… good for example if you want to keep some LTC (the autoconversion does not support LTC at the moment) or DOGE. ScryptGuild is still a relatively new pool, but they are doing a great job in making it an attractive alternative to other pools that have been around for a while already sch as Multipool for example. So if you still haven’t checked them out, then we would suggest to give them a try.

For more information and to check out the ScryptGuild mining pool…
