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Posts Tagged ‘Monero ASIC

We are not surprised by the announcement from Halong Mining about their new DragonMint X1 and DragonMint X2 Cryptonight ASIC miners as the company had already mentioned on twitter a few days ago that they will be releasing such miners. The Halong Mining DragonMint X1 miner should be capable of 124 KH/s hashrate with 245W power usage, costs $1714 USD with a power supply and should start shipping in April 25-30. The more Halong Mining DragonMint X2 miner, as the name suggests, should be offering double the performance or with other words 248 KH/s at 490W of power usage at a slightly better price than ordering two X1 miners – $3115 USD with a power supply and shipping should also start by the edn of next month (April).

This offer is more like a real competition to Bitmain’s X3 Cryptonight ASIC miners performance wise and at a much better price and shipping earlier. What is there not to like in some real competition on the Cryptonight ASIC miners, but then again these devices might also end up as expensive door holders as well by the time they start shipping. With Monero (XMR) and other Cryptonight-based crypto currencies announcing plans to fork to a new version of the algorithm that should make them ASIC proof again things are not looking very favorable for ASIC miners. So again a word of warning if you are interested in the recent wave of Cryptonight ASIC miners, be extra careful when making your plans should you decide to order any of the miners already available or coming soon to the market.

Baikal Miner has started selling their new Baikal Giant-N ASIC miner and it is the first Cryptonight and Cryptonight-light ASIC miner on the market, essentially taking away another algorithm from GPU miners. The Cryptonight algorithm was mostly in the domain of AMD GPUs as they were performing faster than Nvidia price/performance wise, but now that is about to end apparently. With 20 KH/s hashrate for Cryptonight and 40 KH/s for Cryptonight-lite at just 60 Watts of power usage any GPU feels out of date already, even AMD’s VEGA GPUs with just about 2 KH/s are not interesting for mining these algorithms anymore. So Monero (XMR) is going to become the next major ASIC only coin with the many Cryptonight-based alternatives following when the Giant-N miners start hitting the market, unless of course they fork to another algorithm.

The price of the new Baikal Giant-N ASIC miner is not listed on the website, but if you request a quote you will get a $3600 USD price with a minimum order quantity of 6 devices and the devices are apparently shipping already. It already seems that Monero (XMR) could be the first one to fork to a new version of the algorithm that will net be mineable by this new ASIC device and if others coins follow you may actually end up with an expensive piece of hardware that might not be very usable, so be careful if you are considering to buy one or more of these ASIC miners.

Visit the official Baikal Miner Giant-N Cryptonight ASIC miner product page for more details…
