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Posts Tagged ‘MtGox file a claim


As announced in November last year, Kraken was selected by the MtGox trustee after extensive and objective review to assist MtGox creditors in investigating missing Bitcoin, filing claims, and distributing remaining assets. Now Kraken is accepting MtGox creditor claims and offering up to $1 million in free trade volume per creditor as a bonus for claiming funds through Kraken. The claim and payout service through Kraken is available in all areas of operation, including all US states.

Creditors claiming funds with Kraken can expect the following benefits:
– 100,000 KFEE credits redeemable for up to $1 million in free trading volume at the lowest fee tier of 0.1%
– Creditor claim and payout support with live chat and email
– Option to receive funds in the form of Bitcoin
– An easier and more convenient process from claim to payout

Note that you are not required to file your claim through Kraken and can instead elect to make your claim through the alternative system provided by the MtGox trustee, but Kraken has already proved to be a trusted and reliable service, so we are filing our MtGox claim through them. If using Kraken, then your Kraken account must be verified to Tier 2 or higher to make a claim, so make sure you have already verified your account up to that level at least. If you have a claim to file, you can get started by logging in to your Kraken account, and following the instructions under the “MtGox Claim” tab. Do note that filing your claim through Kraken does not guarantee that you will be getting back all your funds and Bitcoins that were available in your MtGox account!


Once you initiate the claim procedure you will need to first visit the dedicated MTGOX online bankruptcy claim filing system where you need to provide your username and password for MtGox. You will be getting a temporary authentication code to your MtGox registered email address to verify your identity and set a new password to continue. Then you can switch back to Kraken or continue using the claims system on the MtGox website. When you are back on the Kraken website you will need to fill in some personal details and answer some additional questions before you can complete your claim filing procedure. After that all that is left for you is to wait…
