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Posts Tagged ‘pbmining


Low crypto currency exchange rates, difficulty for Bitcoin and Litecoin going down, more Scrypt ASICs getting cancelled… in a situation like this how can you actually make profit mining, especially if using a cloud mining service? Well, the good news is that most of the cloud mining services are still up and running with ROI times just getting even longer than before, so it is hard to talk about actually getting a profit at the moment. At the same time however some services that promised long term contracts with maintenance fees included in the price are struggling to survive – bad planning expecting the price of BTC to skyrocket short term or well planned long-terms scams, it is hard to tell. The fact is that at the moment it may not be the wisest idea to invest in cloud mining hashrate, especially if you are not going to be paying for the hashrate with cash, but with coins that you have already mined or purchased at higher price.

Genesis Mining remains one of the preferred cloud mining services thanks to being more transparent and open on their hardware partners and mining farms and who is actually behind the service, and also by offering some innovative and interesting features to miners. Their prices may not be the best out there, but at least they are here to stay long term.

Bitcoin Cloud Services is probably the closest competitor with very similar terms to PBMining and prices for the hashrate. There were some concerns about the service when it launched, but it is still here a few months later, paying daily and offering attractive terms. Though since the business model could also be the same as PBMining if you have concerns you might want to go for other alternatives as well. is one of the first Scrypt cloud mining services from back when Litecoin was still profitable to mine with GPUs. We’ve had some issues with the service when we started to use it, then later on they were apparently resolved, but their services are not among the most attractive as they still rely mostly on their GPUs farms.

PBmining has been having some trouble for the last few weeks with claiming to be a result of blackmail and operators personal data about the service operators leaking. As a result the service is apparently a “failing business” in their own words and “recovery is trying to be made”, no more hashrate is being sold and weekly payments are at just about 5% or less of what they should normally be. If you were among the early users fo the service you might have made some profit, but for people that joined PBmining in the last weeks it could be a serious loss. It is not clear if all was due to bad business planning or if it was a scam, note that the website is still online and there are still some payments being made, but that could also change at any time.

GAW Miners is a company that started selling ASIC miners, then moved into cloud mining and are now moving to the next step – introducing their own crypto coin and building an whole ecosystem around it. They are essentially moving away from cloud mining services and moving to another business that they see as a better and more profitable alternative, we are yet to see how things will develop on the long term.

Hashie is a relatively new service, but since they have partnered with the AMHash mining farm and started reselling their hashrate they have become a good place to get hashrate from. They were confirmed as an official partner by AMHash, a large mining farm operated by ASIC manufacturers, so their trust level has gone up and the price they have for AMHash hashrate is currently very good compared to other similar services.

Hashnest is service for buying cloud mining and renting actual hardware miners operated by Bitmain, another ASIC manufacturer. The service had some issues in the past, but it stil running and trying to improve. They have announced a market where users can trade hashrate and get a better price per GHS, but even though you might be able to get a good price for the hashrate their maintenance fees have been quite high.

ZeusHash has transformed from an ASIC manufacturer to cloud mining service provider, but unfortunately since they are not making their own hardware anymore and they do rely on other partners for the mining hardware their terms are far from the best. What they do try to do is to attract users with various incentives, some of which may work well, others not, but in the end people want to make money from their investment in cloud mining and this service may not be the best place for that at the moment.

Chabat Mining is another new service that has been grown quite a bit lately by offering very attractive Scrypt cloud mining hashrate prices, but with the not so favorable situation for LTC at the moment it is questionable how wise it is to invest in Scrypt cloud mining at the moment. We’ve been having some strange issues with the service’s website, like often not being able to actually see our current mining status, but no issues with payments so far.

CEX was one of the first large could mining farms, however with their maintenance fees going higher and higher the profitability of the service has gone down significantly. So at the moment you can say that it is more like a large crypto currency exchange with some cloud mining options available to make something extra when trading with hashrate and not only crypto coins.


It is time to again do a quick check on what the latest prices for cloud mining hashrate are at the various Bitcoin and Litecoin cloud mining services that we are using and testing to get an overview on where the deals are the best. Do note that we are not listing all services as some are really pointless to list due to the way too high prices for hashrate (Cloud Hashing) or ones that actually do not want to sell you hashrate (KNC Cloud), even if their prices may seem attractive. We are listing services that have been available for a while already, so the chances that any of these may turn out to be a scam are lower, but be aware that there is always a risk for this. So our advice when investing in a cloud mining service is to not do it in just one, but instead spread to multiple services and never to spend more than you can afford to loose.

Bitcoin cloud mining services:
Bitcoin Cloud Services – 0.0014 BTC per GHS, 5 years, no pool fee, no maintenance fee, automatic daily payouts
Genesis Mining – 0.0021 BTC per GHS (0.001995 BTC – extra 5% off with promo code CryptoMiningBlog5), unlimited contract, $0.002 USD per 1 GHS daily maintenance fee, automatic daily payout
PBMining – 0.0014 BTC per GHS, 5 years, no pool fee, no maintenance fee, automatic weekly payout
Hashie – 0.0012 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.00163 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, manual payout, has an exchange to trade hashrate
Hashnest – 0.001125 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.0022896 USD per GHS per day, manual payout
GAW Miners – 0.001847 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.002 USD per 1 GHS daily maintenance fee, option to sell hashrate, manual payouts
ZeusHash – 0.002357 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.0023 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, manual payout – 0.001898 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.0035 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, manual payout, has an exchange to trade hashrate

Litecoin cloud mining services:
Genesis Mining – 0.04771 BTC per MHS (0.045325 BTC – extra 5% off with promo code CryptoMiningBlog5), unlimited contract, $0.05 USD per MHS daily fee, can choose payment in altcoins, automatic daily payout
ZeusHash – 0.04239 BTC per MHS, unlimited contract, $0.058 USD per 1 MHS daily fee, manual payout – 0.04936 BTC per MHS, unlimited contract, no extra fees, has an exchange to trade hashrate
Chabat Mining – 0.02278 BTC per MHS, 1 year contract, no extra fees
GAW Miners – 0.01847 BTC per MHS, unlimited contract, $0.08 USD per MHS daily fee, option to sell hashrate, manual payouts

It seems that Hashnest has significantly lowered their maintenance fee, but that is not helping them much in selling the rest of their Bitcoin cloud hashrate with the last 0.5 PHS seeming hard to sell after the service had some trouble with the reporting and/or functionality (still has?) of the mining hashrate provided by their partner UMISOO. The maintenance fee of the cheapest GAW Miners Hashlet (the MultiHashlet) is very close to what is the expected daily mined coins when converted to USD at the moment. Some of the services probably need to revise their hshrate prices with the increase of network difficulty in mind as it is harder to lower the maintenance fees without the upgrade to newer and better hardware.


It is time to do a roundup of how things are moving with the cloud mining services that we are currently using, testing or are planning to check out and especially compare the current prices that they are offering. Buying physical ASIC miners for both Bitcoin (SHA-256) and Litecoin (Scrypt) might not be that good of an idea at the moment with the currently offered hardware and the performance it offers. The current market prices for Bitcoin and Litecoin are also not that appealing at the moment making it not so good for investment in mining hardware or cloud mining as well. With cloud mining services however you should also be careful as some do not offer so good terms and prices, so there is risk involved not only in buying ASIC miner hardware, but also when investing in a cloud mining service. As Litecoin and Bitcoin, as well as other crypto currencies using the same algorithms, get harder to mine cloud mining is becoming more attractive, but only at the right price and with the right terms. We’ve seen offers that have prices and terms making it essentially like throwing your money in the trashcan, but there are sometimes new companies that come with very attractive offers that soon turn out to be scams. So you should be extra careful with these, we’ve seen quite a few of these already and have started testing some of them just to find out that in a few weeks they disappear with the customers cash or coins invested. That is why we like to go for services that have been available for a while, at least a month or so, and we do recommend extreme caution with new services that have just appeared out of nowhere and are not backed up by someone with a decent reputation being around in the crypto community for some time (not that even this will offer 100% guarantee). The same goes for new companies that popup out of nowhere and start offering some new revolutionary ASIC miners. The time for long term pre-orders of mining hardware is pretty much over now as many people do not want to take that risk anymore.

Bitcoin cloud mining services:
Bitcoin Cloud Services – 0.0020 BTC per GHS, 5 years, no pool fee, no maintenance fee, automatic daily payouts
Genesis Mining – 0.00253 BTC per GHS (extra 5% off with promo code CryptoMiningBlog5), unlimited contract, $0.001 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, automatic daily payout
PBMining – 0.0022 BTC per GHS, 5 years, no pool fee, no maintenance fee, automatic weekly payout
GAW Miners – 0.00253 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.002 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, option to sell hashrate, manual payouts
Hashnest – 0.00135 BTC per GHS, unlimited contract, $0.00325 USD per GHS per day (~55% fee currently) – 0.00229 BTC per GHS, indefinite, $0.0035 USD per 1 GHS daily fee, manual payout, has an exchange to trade hashrate

Litecoin cloud mining services:
ZeusHash – 0.0406 BTC per MHS, 1 year contract, no extra fees, automatic payout every 4 days
Genesis Mining – 0.0456 BTC per MHS (extra 5% off with promo code CryptoMiningBlog5), unlimited contract, $0.08 USD per MHS daily fee, can choose to mine altcoins, automatic daily payout – 0.0894 BTC per MHS, unlimited contract, no extra fees, has an exchange to trade hashrate
GAW Miners (Zen Hashlet) – 0.0531 BTC per MHS, unlimited contract, $0.08 USD per MHS daily fee, option to sell hashrate, manual payouts

As you can see we have some additions since our last post comparing the cloud mining prices as well as some services removed such as Hashop, Cloud Hashing and CoinTerra as these do not offer prices worth to even consider at the moment. We have not included KNC Cloud as well even though their latest Bitcoin cloud mining offers does seem attractive, however we are still unable to purchase any hashrate from the service due to some unknown location limitations. Genesis Mining, GAW Miners and ZeusHash are new additions with interesting offers based on their latest prices, so is Hashnest, but with that service as well as with CEX the maintenance fees are very high even though the prices of the hashrate may be attractive, so you should be careful. As competition heats up, especially in Scrypt could mining, we are probably going to see some new interesting offers and even better prices pretty soon. Do note that some services list their prices in USD and not in BTC, so we’ve used the current Bitcoin exchange rate of $394 USD to have all of the services listed in Bitcoin prices and a significant change in the price of Bitcoin may affect the prices of some of the services. Also unlimited contract does not mean forever, but instead means for as long as the mined coins are more than the maintenance fee you need to pay or with other words as long as you get some profit from your hashrate.
