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Posts Tagged ‘Quark


Below you can find a list of the more common crypto algorithms with some example coins that use them along with a link to windows binary for a miner for the respective algorithm. This way you can quickly get to the GPU miner for AMD or Nvidia GPUs that you would need to use for a specific crypto algorithms, especially if you have not yet mined a coin based on that algorithm. There are of course some more coins that use other specific algorithms and may not be mineable with the GPU miners listed below.

Scrypt – LiteCoin (LTC), DogeCoin (DOGE), FeatherCoin (FTC), WorldCoin (WDC), Reddcoin (RDD)
sgminer 4.2.1 for AMD OpenCL
bfgminer 4.0.0 for AMD OpenCL
cgminer 3.7.3 kalroth for AMD OpenCL
cgminer 3.7.2 for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner 2014-02-28 for Nvidia CUDA

Scrypt Adaptive-N – Vertcoin (VTC), ExeCoin (EXE), GPUcoin (GPUC), ParallaxCoin (PLX), SiliconValleyCoin (XSV)
vertminer 0.5.4pre3 for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner 2014-02-28 for Nvidia CUDA

Scrypt-Jane (Scrypt-Chacha) – YaCoin (YAC), Ultracoin (UTC), Velocitycoin (VEL)
yacminer 3.4.2-yac2 for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner 2014-02-28 for Nvidia CUDA

SHA-256 – Bitcoin (BTC), NameCoin (NMC), Devcoin (DVC), IxCoin (IXC)
sgminer 4.2.1 for AMD OpenCL
bfgminer 4.0.0 for AMD OpenCL
cgminer 3.7.3 kalroth for AMD OpenCL
cgminer 3.7.2 for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner 2014-02-28 for Nvidia CUDA

SHA-3 (Keccak) – MaxCoin (MAX), Slothcoin (SLOTH), Cryptometh (METH)
cgminer 3.7.3 with Keccak for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner 2014-02-28 for Nvidia CUDA

X11 – DarkCoin (DRK), Hirocoin (HIRO), X11coin (XC)
sph-sgminer X11mod for AMD OpenCL
ccMiner 1.0 beta for Nvidia CUDA

X13 – MaruCoin (MARU), BoostCoin (BOST), X13Coin (X13C)
sph-sgminer X13mod for AMD OpenCL

Blake-256 – BlakeBitcoin, Blakecoin (BLC), Dirac (XDQ), Electron (ELT), Photon (PHO)
cgminer 3.7.2 with Blake-256 for AMD OpenCL
CudaMiner with Blake-256 for Nvidia CUDA

Quark – Animecoin (ANI), BitQuark (BTQ), Diamondcoin (DMC)
sph-sgminer 4.1.0 for AMD OpenCL
ccMiner 1.0 beta for Nvidia CUDA

HEFTY1 – Heavycoin (HVC), Mjollnircoin (MNR)
cgminer 3.7.3 HVC for AMD OpenCL
cgminer 3.7.3 MNR for AMD OpenCL
ccMiner 1.0 beta for Nvidia CUDA

For other crypto algorithms:
sph-sgminer 4.1.0 for AMD OpenCL
ccMiner 1.0 beta for Nvidia CUDA
ccMiner 1.0 beta for Nvidia CUDA for older Compute 2.x cards


SPH-sgminer is a GPU miner for mining many alternative algorithm crypto coins such as DarkCoin, QubitCoin, MyriadCoin, Quark, Fuguecoin, INKcoin, AnimeCoin, GroestlCoin, Sifcoin, Twecoin and MaruCoin. SPH-sgminer is a fork of the original sgminer, you can find the source code here and we have compiled a windows binary based on the latest source from April 15th. So if you are mining any of the above crypto coins or some of their clones based on the same algorithm you might download and try out the latest SPH-sgminer miner.
