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Posts Tagged ‘RandomX fork

The DERO project is another crypto that last year had announced their plans to switch the mining algorithm to a RandomX variant and they are finally doing it. Tomorrow, March 7th at block 4550555, marks the time that DERO will be switching to the new CPU mining POW called AstroBWT. So if you are into CPU mining you might want to give it a try after the fork and see what DERO will do with the new algorithm. The project itself has been available for quite some time and has been in constant development, relying on the CryptoNight algorithm prior the upcoming fork to their new AstroBWT algorithm

AstroBWT is a CPU mining only algorithm and apart from the official miner for the algorithm, there is also the latest XMRig 5.8.x major release that added support for the algorithm a few days ago and the minor releases since then have improved it by fixing issues and significantly increasing mining performance. So make sure you try XMRig on your CPU mining hardware it time for the fork in order to be ready when the hardfork happens, that is if you do plan to try mining DERO with the new AstroBWT algorithm. Trading of DERO coins can be done on the following crypto exchanges: Stex, Crex, TOKOK and Citex.

Monero (XMR) will be hardforking tomorrow, November 30th, at block number 1978433. The fork will change the current CryptoNight R algorithm for mining to the new Random X PoW algorithm, essentially moving the mining of the coin to CPU. There are already a few RandomX miners out there that you can use, links below, and although some f them also support AMD or Nvidia GPUs, you would probably want to stick to CPU mining with RandomX as the algorithm is optimized for processors and GPU mining performance is far to low currently to be considered. Also as already noted AMD’s Ryzen 3000 series of processors is doing great for Random X and performance wise it is much better than recent Intel alternatives.

Another important thing to note regarding the upcoming for is if you are mining directly to an exchange using a paymentID. Since after the fork support for PaymentIDs will be discontinued, in order to continue successfully mining after the network update you need to also update your mining address. Alternatively you can just update to the latest v0.15.0.1 wallet and use a local wallet address for mining after the fork. For an up to date pools for mining XMR you can check the list at MiningPoolStats, they should all be ready for the fork by now.

Mining software with RandomX support:
XMRig 5.0.0
SRBMiner-MULTI 0.1.7

It seems that another crypto project has moved to RandomX as a Proof of Work mining algorithm – YadaCoin. Yada is a blockchain social media protocol that uses YadaCoins for social interactions, and even though the project started in 2018 it seems to be slow in getting a lot of attention. We just recently discovered it thanks to the RandomX fork they had a few days ago and while we wanted to give it a try and mine some coins, unfortunately our efforts ended up in vain. We could not make the official Windows mining software to work (no pools yet, only solo mining), have not tried mining under Linux, though unfortunately there is not much information available to help… not even on the fork itself. It seems that unless you have been following the development from the start you might have trouble getting to understand how to make things work and that is never a good thing for a crypto project that wants to become mainstream, let alone one that wants to build a social media blockchain.

If you like digging and trying things out, then you might give YadaCoin with RandomX mining a go…
