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Posts Tagged ‘RandomX GPU miner

The XMR-STAK-RX RandomX miner has been updated to version 1.0.5 bringing support for two crypto projects that use a variation of the RandomX CPU mining algorithm – Kevacoin (KEVA) and Safex Cash (SFX). Kevacoin (KEVA) uses the RandomKEVA and Safex Cash (SFX) uses the RandomSFX algorithms respectively, though both are based on the RandomX algorithm as a base and are doing better performance wise on recent AMD Ryzen CPUs than on Intel processors. Alternative miners with support for RandomX and the RandomKEVA RandomSFX are SRBMiner-MULTI and XMRig, though have in mind that the XMR-STAK-RX miner does not have a development fee like those two others. Does the lack of a dev fee in the XMR-STAK-RX RandomX CPU miner make it a better choice, well you should compare what performance you are getting on your own hardware for the algorithm you are mining.

To download and try the newly released XMR-STAK-RX 1.0.5 for RandomX mining…

The XMR-STAK-RX RandomX miner has been updated to version 1.0.3 bringing some performance improvements for both Windows and Linux, some fixes and also support for the RandomX ArQmA algorithm. With this addition XMR-STAK-RX does come with full RandomX algorithm support like the alternatives SRBMiner-Multi and XMRig that already had support for the algorithm that ArQmA uses now. Unfortunately performance wise XMR-STAK-RX may still need a bit more to catch up to the alternatives, even with the fact tat there is developer fee at all for this miner. We remind you that out of the RandomX and RandomX-based algorithms the one used by the ArQmA (ARQ) project is doing best in terms of performance on Intel CPUs lagging in terms of performance just a bit behind the AMD Ryzen.

To download and try the newly released XMR-STAK-RX 1.0.3 for RandomX mining…

Monero (XMR) will be hardforking tomorrow, November 30th, at block number 1978433. The fork will change the current CryptoNight R algorithm for mining to the new Random X PoW algorithm, essentially moving the mining of the coin to CPU. There are already a few RandomX miners out there that you can use, links below, and although some f them also support AMD or Nvidia GPUs, you would probably want to stick to CPU mining with RandomX as the algorithm is optimized for processors and GPU mining performance is far to low currently to be considered. Also as already noted AMD’s Ryzen 3000 series of processors is doing great for Random X and performance wise it is much better than recent Intel alternatives.

Another important thing to note regarding the upcoming for is if you are mining directly to an exchange using a paymentID. Since after the fork support for PaymentIDs will be discontinued, in order to continue successfully mining after the network update you need to also update your mining address. Alternatively you can just update to the latest v0.15.0.1 wallet and use a local wallet address for mining after the fork. For an up to date pools for mining XMR you can check the list at MiningPoolStats, they should all be ready for the fork by now.

Mining software with RandomX support:
XMRig 5.0.0
SRBMiner-MULTI 0.1.7
