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Posts Tagged ‘RVN ASIC

Back in October Ravencoin (RVN) forked to X16Rv2 as a means to drive away the ASIC miners for the X16R algorithm it previously used. The new algorithm X16Rv2 has helped lower the hashrate and make RVN mining prfotable for mining with GPUs for a bit, but now it seems we are getting back on the road to ASIC miners in the near future for the new algo. The X16Rv2 is apparently getting bitstreams for FPGA miners like the BittWare CVP-13 FPGA with 240 MH/s cited hashrate for the initial release… this is faster than 6x GTX 1080 Ti GPU mining rig with a third of the power usage. The only catch is that the CVP-13 FPGA Cryptocurrency Mining Board is pretty expensive, but unlike ASICs it can be used for a number of algorithms and with future bitstream updates can be much more futureproof. Of course the next step is new ASIC miners coming in the near future for the new X16Rv2 algorithm with Ravencoin getting quite a lot of attention from users.

For more information about the BittWare CVP-13 FPGA Cryptocurrency Mining Board…

A few days have already passed since the fork of Ravencoin (RVN) on October 1st that included a change in the PoW algorithm used for mining – from X16R to X16Rv2. As you can see from the network hashrate graph above from Ravencoin Statistics it is still lower than prior he spike from end of Agust/beginning of September. This means that the fork has effectively affected the usage of what seems to be ASIC miners that went operational at the end of August that resulted in more than doubling the hahsrate in just a few days of time. Another sign that there are no more ASIC miners mining and dumping coins is the fairly stable price of RVN after the fork with no selling pressure on exchanges from such miners trying to get rid go the mined coins. As a result RVN is among the most profitable coins to mine for Nvidia GPUs at the moment after the fork, even if the profit is nothing to brag about, pretty much all the rest of the altcoins are doing worse…
