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Posts Tagged ‘Satoshi Nakamoto

Here is something interesting from the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute in the form of a list with popular persons who are also Bitcoin Skeptics talking publicly about why Bitcoin will fail or has no future from as early as April 2011. Now what would’ve happened if thee people started buying just $1 USD worth of Bitcoin every day since the day that they made their bold claims against the crypto currency? For instance Peter Schiff could have invested just $3210 USD and had 100 BTC that could now be worth a bit shy of $700K USD. Of course much more recent skeptics who have been speculating on the AI Doge token price like Steven Mnuchin and Tendayi Kapfidze could have actually lost some dollars if they did that. It is an interesting information to check. You can of course do some estimation what could’ve you accumulated in BTC and what their value could be now if you started doing just that back in 2011.

To check the The Skeptics – A Tribute to Bold Assertions by Satoshi Nakamoto Institute…


The guys at Genesis Mining have compiled an interesting list of the top 5 Bitcoin books for beginners, books that are designed to introduce you to Bitcoin and the technology behind it. So if you are just getting started with Bitcoin, or want to get up to speed faster in your learning of all things Bitcoin, then you might want to check out some of these titles.

Top 5 Bitcoin Books for Beginners:

1. Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies, by Andreas Antonopoulos
2. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order, by Paul Vigna and Michael J Casey
3. Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money, by Nathaniel Popper
4. The Book Of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto, by Phil Champagne
5. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy, by Melanie Swan

For more details about these books about Bitcoin and links to get them from Amazon…


It seems that Newsweek has been able to find the real Satoshi Nakamoto who has created the Bitcoin crypto currency, and they have tried to dig up as much as possible information about the person that has started the crypto currency revolution. So if you are interested about the maker of the digital currency, who and what he does, then you might want to check out the details, though they are actually still not that many. The story is interesting enough though, so definitely worth the read if you are into crypto currencies.

To read the full Newsweek article about Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin…
