Posts Tagged ‘SRBMiner-Multi RandomARQ

We have already mentioned the plans of ArQmA (ARQ) to fork to a new RandomX-based algorithm called RandomARQ and that has happened a few days ago and we have tried CPU mining the new algorithm. Since it is based on RandomX we expected to see significant advantage for the latest AMD’s Ryzen CPUs like we’ve seen with RandomX and some other variants of the algorithm used by other projects. To our surprise however Intel’s multi-core processors are actually not that far behind in terms of performance (a few times slower like on RandomX). Of course Intel is still slower, but the actual difference is not as much as we’ve seen so far and that is definitely good news for miners that have some spare Intel CPUs that might be interested in mining something based on RandomX.

We have tested performance using the latest XMRig miner and SRBMiner-MULTI miner with the seond one still performing slower as we have seen with other RandomX algorithms compared to XMRig. With an AMD Ryzen 3600 using XMRig we are getting around 22.8 KH/s while on Intel Core i7 6850K CPU we get about 17 KH/s, both being 6 core – 12 thread processors though the AMD one is much newer product. With SRBMiner-Multi the results were 13.4 KH/s with the AMD and 7.8 KH/s for the Intel CPU, so you better stick to XMRig for mining ARQ for now and you might want to also test your Intel processor(s) as well for the RandomARQ algo. The not so good news however is that profit for a single CPU mining ArQmA (ARQ) is well nonexistent, unless you do not pay for electricity… 20 USD cents per day for the Intel and 30 for the AMD processors. These dayly earnings could probably just cover your electricity costs if you have cheap electricity at 10 USD cents per kilowatt.

If you are still interested in the ArQmA (ARQ) crypto project and the RandomARQ algorithm…
