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Posts Tagged ‘Suprnova

After a bit of a delay the official launch of the Veil Project happened earlier today and you can already mine VEIL coins if you are looking for something new and interesting to move your GPU mining rigs on to. Veil is the first Zerocoin-based cryptocurrency with always-on privacy thanks to combining Zerocoin and RingCT technologies to provide full-time privacy without compromise. Veil’s blockchain is secured via Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake, though initially only 50% of the coins (50 VEIL) are going to mining/staking and the rest is distributed among the founder, Veil Labs for ongoing research and development and Veil operations budget, funding operations activities such as core network and wallet development, project management, online user support, bounties, and  marketing. You can check the official Veil Project website for full details and additional information about the project.

The Proof-of- Work algorithm is X16RT, based on the X16R algorithm introduced by Ravencoin, but with modifications so it requires a new specific miner and such are already available for both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. Miners with Nvidia-based mining rigs can download and use the latest supminer 2.0 that supports X16RT algorithm and AMD miners can go for the latest WildRig Multi mtp x16rt that has also added support for the X16RT algorithm with more miners probably going to follow soon enough with support for the new X16RT algorithm. If you are looking for a mining pool, you can currently go to the as the first pool to support VEIL with others probably following soon as well. The wallet currently does seem to have issues for some users, so do not be in a hurry to transfer your coins from the pool to a local wallet. Some exchanges to trade Veil coins include Citex, Crex and TXbit.

Ocminer, the admin of the Suprnova mining pools, has been pretty actively maintaining and further improving his supminer fork of ccminer (source) adding numerous performance improvements for the X16r and X16S mining algorithms. So if you are mining either Ravencoin (RVN) that uses the X16r algorithm or Pigeoncoin (PGN) that uses the X16S algorithm you might want to try the supminer or update it if you already use an older version than the latest 1.5. In the last two days there were numerous performance updates regarding various algorithms that are a part of the X16r and X16S, so supminer could as well be the fastest miner for RVN and PGN at the moment. The miner is free and open-source with a 32-bit Windows binary release also available compiled for CUDA 9.1 (require R390 or newer Nvidia video drivers).

To download and try the 32-bit Windows binary of the supminer X16r Nvidia miner…

Another open-source fork of ccMiner called supminer (source) is now available, an optimized version from the operator of the Suprnova mining pools that promises up to 10% better performance than the recently released nevermore ccminer fork. The supminer ccMiner fork comes with with no developer fee, but you can show your support by mining Ravencoin (RVN) on Suprnova’s RVNCoin Pool. There is an official 32-bit Windows binary release available compiled with CUDA 9.1, so make sure you have up to date video drivers on your mining rigs. The code is compatible with Linux as well, though you will need to compile it yourself (make sure you have CUDA 9.1 installed to compile from source).

In theory the supminer should be faster than the other available ccminer forks with X16r support, but you should test and compare the different releases and see what works and performs best on your hardware. Feel free to report hashrates and stability on your mining rigs and how supminer compares to the nevermore and enemy miners. When comparing hashrates make sure you compare on the same algorithm, because hashrate varies depending on the currently switched to algorithm. Do note that the performance optimizations should not work only on the X16r algorithm, but should also help improve performance on other chained algorithms supported by ccminer.

To download and try the 32-bit Windows binary of the supminer X16r Nvidia miner…
