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Posts Tagged ‘Titan


It seems that MAT (Mining Asics Technologies) has “resumed shipping” or more like actually started shipping their Scrypt ASIC miners to customers, there is even a user review of their 250 MHS Excalibur miner. Interestingly enough there is also a discussion going on that the MAT Scrypt ASIC miners and the Alcheminer Scrypt ASIC miner use essentially the same hardware. If this is true the it is interesting who is the actual manufacturer of the hardware when even the timing of the two companies in releasing ans shipping hardware also pretty much coincides. We can speculate that either Alcheminer or MAT has developed the hardware and one company is the OEM supplier for the other company, though there is no official information linking the two companies… or the actual designer and manufacturer of the chips could be a completely different company.

Another Scrypt ASIC manufacturer, namely Alpha Technology has still not started shipping their miners. The company did not manage to meet their initial target to start shipping in September and has announced that they should be able to do it in October. Now, at the end of the month we still haven’t seen an announcement that the company is ready with the actual miners and will start shipping this month, so we can assume that the target for shipping has slipped to November. Eve though about the company has shown some photos of their ASCI chips earlier this month they are apparently not ready with the complete solution yet. Alpha Technology like many other Scrypt ASIC manufacturers that do or did take pre-orders does not like much to keep their customers up to date on how things are progressing, even after failing to meet their promises, so status updates are still rarely released.

KnCMiner is apparently also shipping again some more Titan Scrypt ASIC miners to customers after they have recently promised to ship all of the remaining Batch 1 pre-orders in the next three weeks. As a result we are seeing some more significant increase in the total network hashrate and difficulty of the Litecoin network with the Titans performing best when mining high difficulty coins such as LTC. That however does not contribute that much to making customers of the company happy as people are still not satisfied by how KNC is not keeping their promises.


Earlier this month KnCMiner has announced that they are ready to start shipping the Titan Scrypt ASICs and they are apparently already doing so, though a bit late than they initially announced. Users on the Bitcointalk forum are reporting that they are seeing status updates on their pre-orders for the first batch of KNC Titan Scrypt ASIC miners that are apparently being shipped and they are getting tracking numbers. The pre-order price of the 300 MHS KnCMiner Titan Scrypt ASIC miner was $9995 USD without VAT and since their initial announcement they have been upgraded to 300 MHS hashrate (for the first batch) and to 400 MHS for the second batch. With the current price and the expected difficulty increase for Litecoin and other Scrypt-based crypto currencies the ROI time for these machines does not promise to be short. Not to mention that users that have received their units already are not too happy with the results – hardware issues and lower than advertised performance seem to be common, higher power draw than advertised is also reported and each cube still has a single PCI-E power connector for 250W+. Could KnC be following in the footsteps of BFL, decent start and then starting to disappoint customers more and more until the company gets shut down by the government?

Check the user reports about their pre-orders of KNC Titan apparently being shipped…


Today KnCMiner has announced that the company is ready to finally start shipping the much anticipated Batch 1 of Titan Scrypt ASIC miners to the customers that have preordered the devices. The pre-order price of the 300 MHS KnCMiner Titan Scrypt ASIC miner was $9995 USD without VAT (initially it was just 100 MHS) and when the preorder was announced earlier this year this may have looked like a good deal. Now however the situation is not so good and the 300 MHS units that are about to start shipping in Monday next week, according to KnC, will need quite a lot of time to just even ROI in the current market conditions. If the difficulty remains at the current level as it is at the moment you would still need about half a year just to ROI what you have paid for the miner and we know that once these ASICs start shipping we are going to see a serious increase in the total network hashrate and difficulty for Litecoin…

In fact the people that have pre-ordered or are considering pre-ordering the Batch 2 KnCMiner Titan Scrypt ASIC miners might have more luck and get faster ROI time as their units that are supposed to start shipping sometime next month will be upped to 400 MHS hashrate and cost $6995 USD without VAT. Even though these miners at that price are also not so attractive in the current market situation, so the interest in them will probably not be that high now, especially when the competition is also preparing interesting and more affordable products with higher hashrate and lower power usage.

But back to Batch 1 miners, these 300 MHS Scrypt ASICs will be broken down to 4 separate cubes using the design that the company’s 3 THS Neptune Bitcoin ASCI miners relied upon and will have a total power consumption rated at 1160 watts. This also means that each of the cubes will use almost 300 watts of power, so hopefully KnC will equip these with two PCI-E power connectors instead of just one like on the Neptunes. The announcement from KnCMiner that they are ready to start shipping the Titans did contain something interesting as well, namely the following “The Titan was designed for several variants of the Scrypt algorithm, including Scrypt-N”. This suggests that the Titan will also be capable of mining Scrypt-N coins at a lower hashrate than that available for Scrypt-based crypto coins.
