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Posts Tagged ‘Vaultbreaker Mini Scrypt ASIC


Just about three weeks ago GAWMiners have announced their upcoming Vaultbreaker Scryt ASIC miners – a 500 MHS model and a 250 GHS mini. Today they have announced an updated about these new miners saying they will offer 50% increase in the hashrate for all existing and new customers that pre-order a Vaultbreaker. So the Vaultbreaker will be 750 MHS and costs $6999.95 USD (Batch 2 pre-order) and the Vaultbreaker Mini will be 375 MHS and costs $3795 USD (Batch 2 pre-order). The expected shipping date is still the end of Q3 (optimistic) or early Q4 (realistic).

The initial prices for the Batch 1 pre-orders were $8999.95 USD and $4999.95 USD respectively and the 500 MHS miner was supposed to provide this hashrate at sub 1000W of power usage. So the new prices for Batch 2 are now lower and offer higher hashrate (Batch 1 miners should also be upgraded to the new speeds). The new hashrate of 750 MHS however does come with 1500W of power consumption and the 375 MHS Mini will be with 900W of power consumption. So the extra 50% increase in terms of power do not come from further optimization, but apparently are a result of additional chips. With the new hashrate however the Vaultbreakers do become more attractive alternative than KnCMiner’s Neptune miners, especially if they can deliver at the same time or even earlier.

For more information about the GAWMiners Valutbreaker Scrypt ASICs…


GAWMiners has just released some interesting information, their plans to start offering what they call the world’s first 500 MHS Scrypt ASIC miner, and on top of that it will be powered by sub-1000 Watts power supply. The Vaultbreaker and its brother, the smaller 250 MHS Vaultbreaker Mini – for the compact enthusiasts – are the first of a new line of Scrypt ASIC machines GAW will release. Shipping time for the first batch is apparently planned for the end of Q3, or early Q4, with the company promising that they will try to beat the KnC Titan to market. The pre-orders for the new Scrypt ASIC miner should start today for existing customers and after that, they will be opening up the doors to the public at large on the 24th. The price for the pre-order is currently set at $8999.95 USD or $4999.95 USD for the Mini, so cheaper than the other competing products that do currently promise lower hashrate. There is no information what the ASIC chips inside the miner will be, but with this kind of performance promised at sub 1000W power consumption you can guess that we are talking about 28nm chips or even less…

For more information about the new Vaultbreaker Scrypt ASIC miner you can check GAWMiners website…
