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Posts Tagged ‘Verthash

Today VertCoin (VTC) is on fire with the price going up with more than 100% already and that should serve as a good reminder that you might want to check out mining it after it forked to the new memory-intensive VertHash algorithm. Even though the price is significantly higher at the moment, there hasn’t been much of a change in the network difficulty and the number people mining VTC haven’t increased much… yet! Originally VertCoin (VTC) mining was interesting mostly for older GPUs that were good mining cards (with at least 2GB of VRAM), but are not capable of mining Ethereum due to the large DAG size. But now with the recent price spike even newer video cards that are being used for Ethereum mining can become very profitable if switched to mine VTC at the moment…

The VertHash algorithm is a memory-intensive one, though it has its differences from Ethash used by Ethereum for instance. The main advantage is that you can mine VTC on any GPU that has at least 2GB of video memory, so older mining GPUs can be brought back to life, so time to dust off that good old AMD Radeon R9 280X GPUs or Radeon HD 7970 GPUs and start mining VTC with them. Even Radeon R9 290 or Radeon R9 390 can do pretty good at the moment, although these might still be good for Ethereum mining under Linux with high mining hashrate. So, make sure you double check what works best for them and what not in order to maximize your mining profit.

The AMD Radeon RX 470 and RX 480 or RX 570 and RX 580 with 4GB VRAM were great for mining VTC using the new VertHash algorithm before the price spike, but now they will be even better in terms of profitability mining VertCoin. So much better that you should probably stop using them for mining Ethereum (ETH) in “Zombie Mode” at least for a while. With the doubled price at the moment, even the latest Nvidia GeForce RTX 30 series of GPUs that do spectacularly in terms of VertHash hashrate for mining VTC can turn out to be more profitable than directly mining Ethereum.

To Calculate Your Current VertCoin (VTC) Mining Profitability on MinerStat…

We are back to VertCoin (VTC) mining using the new VertHash algorithm, but this time we are going old-school to AMD Radeon R9 280X and the performance these old, but gold video cards from the earlier days of crypto mining can deliver mining VTC at the moment. We have already tested mining VertCoin (VTC) on AMD Radeon 400/500 series of 4GB GPUs and the results were pretty good, but it seems that the R9 280X are still too early to retire even though they have been announced more than 7 years ago back in 2013. Hell, even going further back to the Radeon HD 7970 GPUs that were used for Bitcoin mining back in the early days of crypto we can get pretty much the same results as with the “newer” AMD Radeon R9 280X, so dig these up as well if you still have them around somewhere.

The VertHash algorithm is a memory-intensive one with a minimum requirement of 2GB of video memory, so even older video cards with 2GB or 3GB can be used for mining VertCoin (VTC) after its recent fork from the previous LyraRev3 algorithm. Mining with VerthashMiner on AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB GPU at stock settings gives around 350 KH/s and with modified video BIOS with optimized memory timings the hashrate goes to about 450 KH/s. The old AMD Radeon R9 280X with 3GB VRAM can manage around 360-370 KH/s mining VTC at the stock settings of 925 MHz for the GPU and 1375 MHz for the video memory, but overclocking it to 1050 MHz for the GPU and 1500 MHz for the video memory can easily get you around 400 KH/s mining hashrate. Checking the profitability of a 6x Radeon R9 280X GPUs in a mining rig, and after paying for electricity, can currently earn around $5-6 USD per day (depending on electricity costs).

Make sure you use the latest VerthashMiner v0.6.2 For Mining VertCoin (VTC)…

If you have spotted the recently forked VertCoin (VTC) to the new Verthash algorithm and are interested in mining it, then you might head on to download the latest VerthashMiner v0.6.2 to do so. This is especially important for owners of AMD Radeon RX 400/500 series of GPUs with just 4GB of video memory as these really need an alternative to mining Ethereum (ETH) and pointing them towards mining VTC could be just what you need. While you can Still Mine Ethereum With AMD Radeon RX 400/500 Series 4GB GPUs the performance continues to drop with each new DAG epoch and these cards are soon to be retired or moved to an alternative and more profitable crypto coin and VertCoin could be that alternative.

The new VerthashMiner v0.6.2 doesn’t bring any performance improvements, but instead addresses one very important issue that the previous version 0.6.1 had. With the new release you now can generate the verthash.dat file needed for the mining process just using the miner itself – there is no need to download it or use the VTC wallet to generate it before you can start mining. What you need is to just run the new VerthashMiner with the gen-verthash-data command line parameter and the name of the file you want to use such as verthash.dat:

VerthashMiner.exe --gen-verthash-data verthash.dat

Do note that the verthash.dat file generation is a time-consuming process that on a quad-core Intel Core-i5 6500T CPU with a SATA SSD can take around 10 minutes to generate using VerthashMiner v0.6.2. The good thing is that you need to generate the data file just one and then when you run the miner with the normal mining command line parameters it just loads it and starts mining.

SimpleMining OS (SMOS) has just implemented VertCoin (VTC) mining support in their latest update and has added verthashminer-v0.6.2, though mining VTC is still not going to be perfect there as the verthash.dat file will be generated on each run of the miner, but hey, at least it works and you can mine VTC using the dedicated Linux mining OS.

To Download the Latest AMD/Nvidia GPU VerthashMiner v0.6.2 for VertCoin (VTC)…
