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Posts Tagged ‘X11 coin


Capricoin (CPC) is a next generation X11 alternative cryptocoin. It has just 1 Block POW (Proof of Work) and then moves to full POS (Proof of Stake) which is designed for large volumes of transactions. Having confirmation speeds up to 75 percent faster than Bitcoin, it is easy to see why Capricoin will be the choice for mainstream adoption and use. Bitcoin has proven that the world wants Crypto Currencies. However it has many inherent flaws. Let’s look at these flaws and how Capricoin is designed to address the issues.


Block Explorer / Crawler:

Coin Specifications

  • Algorithm: X11 (1 Block POW/POS Hybrid)
  • Total supply: 208 Million CPC (after 24 years)
  • Block Time: 60 seconds
  • Confirmations on Transactions: 6
  • Premine: 200 Million (1,000,052.07 CPC reserved for dev team, 50 Million distributed for free, 50 Million reserved for Staisybit, 99 Million reserved for inhouse staking)
  • PoS staking rewards: Currently 2% Annually, reducing over time


Source Code:
at GitHub

– RPC Port: 22713
– P2P Port: 22714

Mining Pools:
None, the coin is currently PoS only.

Coin Exchanges:


Blitzcoin (BITZ) is a global peer-to-peer digital currency that makes instant payments to anyone in the world possible. Bitz is totally decentralised, belongs to nobody and there is no central authority and no banks involved. Unlike a bank, Bitz provides freedom and Bitz employs a so-called proof-of-stake mechanism that will accrue 10% annual interest on your Bitz balance. The Bitz wallet is free to download and use and open source. With Bitz you can be your own bank.


Block Explorer:

Coin Specifications

  • X11 Algorithm PoW + PoS
  • PoW will end at block 100,000: ~ 3,500,000 coins
  • Coins rewarded per block (PoW): 35 BITZ
  • Time per block: ~ 1 minute (both PoW and PoS)
  • Difficulty Re-target: 10-20 minutes
  • PoS 10% per year from block 0

Mac OS

Source Code:
at GitHub

– RPC Port: 21251
– P2P Port: 21252

Mining Pools:
No pools available, the coin is now PoS only.

Coin Exchanges:

Checkcoin (CKC) is an interesting alternative crypto currency that wants to tie things to real life experiences, and the developers want to do that by combining geolocations with augmented reality and mobile software users that are able to to create, find and reward each other by discovering great places all over the world. You can think about CKC more in the line of Foursquare meeting crypto currency, and if the developers do manage to realize what they have announced as plans this can turn out to be quite an interesting thing. With that said however we do warn you that this alternative crypto currency that uses X11 algorithm and that you can already mine with GPUs and trade on few of the popular crypto currency exchanges is still far from what it should do, but it does have the potential. So you might want to take a look at Checkcoin (CKC) and although we see potential in it you should be warned that we still need to see a lot of development around the announced plans for the coin. We’ve already seen a lot of alternative crypto coins getting announced with big plans and then turning out to be scams or not fulfilling their promises and quickly dying after that.

For more information about the alternative crypto currency Checkcoin (CKC)…
