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Posts Tagged ‘XMR hardfork

The expected hard fork of Monero (XMR) happened without issues and now the mining part is being done with CPUs (mostly) using the RandomX mining algorithm as opposed to CryptoNight R that was mostly GPU mined prior the fork. Currently the hashrate of the Monero network is around 500 MH/s with XMR drawing a lot of CPU mining resources from other crypto projects that were already unprofitable to mine anyway, so as a direct consequence some of these might become interesting for mining again with the focus on Monero. The big question at the moment is where all the GPU mining power that was focused on Monero will go now as these were mostly AMD mining GPUs, so most likely other CryptoNight-based projects will have to deal with the extra computing power. After checking a few of the more popular CryptoNight-based projects we don’t yet see big jumps in terms of hashrate after the fork of Monero, and that could easily mean that XMR already had a lot of “free” CPU mining going on even on the old CryptoNight R algorithm.

With the current network hashrate of about 500 MH/s the estimated daily coins you can mine with a single AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU that has about 6 KH/s of hashrate on stock settings is around 0.019 XMR at the moment or a bit over $1 USD if you exchange it for fiat at the current rate. This is better than we could get with the same CPU mining other RandomX coins yesterday. It is about double than mining LOKI yesterday, which was the most profitable one using the RandomXL algorithm, today however things also look different for LOKI as the mined equivalent is actually more profitable than Monero at $1.28 USD with the current difficulty after the outflow of hashrate to XMR. ArQmA (ARQ) is also up almost double in terms of mined equivalent in USD, and WoWnero doesn’t seem to be much affected in any way, remaining the least attractive of the RandomX crypto pack.

Monero’s planned upcoming hardfork to the new CryptoNight/CryptoNote V8 proof of work algorithm is going well and will just about a day left and miners already supporting the V8 algorithm people are getting ready to mine XMR. Even services such as MiningRigRentals where you can rent or lease mining rigs are already supporting the new V8 algorithm with rigs available. NiceHash however has also added support for V8, including support for their latest NiceHash Miner, so you can expect quite a lot of hashrate after the fork coming from the service.

The SUQA project that we recently introduced is continuing to gain more interest from users and its X22i algorithm has just been added to MRR. The good news for miners is that X22i is still too new and not big enough to catch the interest of NiceHash, though if things continue this way it will happen sooner or later. Anyway, SUQA is developing nicely with network hashrate growing as more users join the mining process and the project is progressing well on their announced roadmap, even though there is still some skepticism surrounding the 10% developer fee from each mined block.

You can check the MiningRigRentals service for more details on available algorithms and rigs…

Monero (XMR) has already forked to the new CryptoNight7 POW algorithm, invalidating the existing and probably the upcoming CryptoNight ASIC miners and we have already seen a significant decrease in the network hashrate and difficulty as a direct result. Since CryptoNight is originally doing better on AMD hardware the people with AMD GPU mining rigs are probably switching to CryptoNightV7 mining and there are a couple of miners available that you can use. As we ave already written in advance, there are some good options available with CryptoNightV7 support for AMD RX VEGA GPUs. Although the Xrig and Cast-XMR miners that are probably best for VEGA, they can also work on RX 4xx/5xx series of GPUs, but owners of other AMD GPUs should probably prefer to go for Claymore’s CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner v11.3. The latest version does come with removed developer fee, so it is completely free now and adds support for the Monero hardfork, you just need to add the option -pow7 1 and you are good to go with CryptoNightV7 mining. Meanwhile there are other CryptoNight coins moving to CryptoNightV7, so make sure you are ready for them as well…

Nvidia GPU miners are also not forgotten and also have support for the new CryptonightV7 coins from the most popular miner out there that supports CUDA – KlausT’s ccminer-cryptonight fork. Nvidia GPUs however are as not as well performing compared to AMD GPUs, so the interest there for CryptoNight coins isn’t that big, but you never know when you can get a good profit even with Nvidia GPUS mining CryptoNight coins as well. With ccminer-cryptonight just make sure that you select the proper algorithm, depending on the coin you mine, the latest version adds support for cryptonight, monero, graft and stellite with the last one generating a lot of interest apparently. The latest NiceHash Excavator miner still in alpha also has added support for CryptoNightV7 (also included in the NiceHash Miner), so you might want to check it out as well if you are interested.
