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Posts Tagged ‘xmrig v4.3.0-beta

ArQmA (ARQ) is another crypto project that has revealed plans to fork to a new RandomX-based algorithm called RandomARQ. This project has been started in 2018, but is still wit pretty low market capitalization and low trading volume according to data from CoinMarketCap, so there is much room for growth. The ArQmA (ARQ) fork to the new RandomARQ algorithm is currently planned for 8th of November at 23:50:00 at block 303666, though this might not be the final date. The latest XMRig v4.3.0-beta had just added support for the new RandomARQ algorithm with “rx/arq”, so you should be good to go by the time the fork happens should you decide to check out the project. Currently ArQmA (ARQ) uses the CryptoNight Turtle algorithm, so it is still mineable with GPUs. Since RandomARQ is based off RandomX it will be CPU friendly algorithm, so mining after the fork will be done mostly with CPUs due to the fact that the algorithm has been designed to be processor friendly and not GPU, ASIC or FPGA friendly. Some good crypto exchanges to trade ArQmA (ARQ) coins include Citex and Crex.

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