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Posts Tagged ‘Gridseed G-Blade Miner


The release of the new Gridseed G-Blade Miner at $3000 USD for a 5 MHS ASIC miner coinciding with the recent price drop of the Bitcoin and other crypto currencies did not make it very attractive for miners to buy. It seems however that Gridseed has figured a way to make the new mining hardware more attractive even in the current market conditions, by offering a limited number of units are a price of just $1610 USD or a little over half of the normal price. The new price finally makes the G-Blade Miner a good alternative to buying a number of the smaller 5-chip ASIC miners to get the same performance at a similar price, one of the most serious complaint from users when the new Blade Miner was initially announced with a retail price of $3000 USD.


MinerEU, Gridseed official distributor, has announced a five day (11-15 April) special promotion for the new Gridseed G-Blade Miner at $1610 USD. That is a saving of $1390 USD per miner when compared with the $3000 retail price. The stock for this promotion is limited to 2000 miners only, so hurry up and don’t miss your chance. Orders will start shipping globally sometime next week, so this is pretty much the best offer for Scrypt ASIC Miners you can currently get.

For more information about the Gridseed G-Blade Miner special promotion at MinerEU…


Today Gridseed have officially announced their new Blade Miner called G-Blade and have published the official product page with some details. We already knew pretty much what to expect, and the only difference seems to be the black anodized aluminum heatsink and the black colored PCBs of the device. It is interesting to note that instead of about 140W of power consumption Gridseed now says 100W and the size of the device is just 30.5×11.5×9.3 cm, or with other words smaller than what we had though initially from the first photos of the device. It is interesting to note that Gridseed compares the new G-Blade miner to 13 AMD Radeon HD 7850 cards in terms of hashrate and notes the difference in power usage as well as the space and other hardware requirements. It would’ve been nice if they were also matching the price of 13 of these GPUs only, but instead the new Gridseed G-Blade miner will cost you pretty much the same as those 13 video cards along with the other hardware you need along with them to make them work. So it seems the advantage you get in this particular comparison is the significant reduction in terms of power usage and we already know that Scrypt mining will soon be pointless on the GPU anyway.

Visit the official Gridseed G-Blade miner page for some more information and photos…


A few days ago we have posted our first test results from the new Gridseed Blade Miner. We got early remote access to a single unit that we were able to test and report our findings before the devices actually started shipping thanks to our friends at MinerEU who are an official Gridseed EU distributor. Meanwhile we got a second unit attached to the system we were testing, so we were able to run some longer tests with two devices in order to see what variance we can expect from device to device. We also expanded the tests to cover various usage scenarios to check what hashrate you can expect to get if mining for a fixed higher difficulty coin such as LTC as well as if you are mining in auto profit switching mode to mine the most profitable crypto coin. Meanwhile the new Gridseed Blade Miners should start shipping tomorrow, so the people that have ordered them should start receiving their units very soon.


We are starting up with a result showing the two Gridseed Blade Miners, each of which is reported as two separate devices, fixed in mining for LTC with a worker difficulty of 256 at the scryptguild pool. The Blade Miners are running at 800 MHz, a frequency that can normally provide up to about 5.6 MHS in mining a fixed crypto currency with higher worker difficulty. Note that one of the PCBs, namely the GSD 1 device does report a lower actual hashrate and that is a direct result of getting some HW errors from that PCB. It seems that this could be related to the cooling not giving a good contact to one of the PCB sides for example, so we recommend to inspect your miners and if needed to optimize them a bit before running them, just in case and to get the best performance. This is something that we recommend doing for the smaller 5-chip Gridseed ASIC devices as well, especially if you plan to overclock and voltmod them, you need to check the contact between the cooler and the chips.


Notice that the poolside result is pretty much consistent with the local reported actual hashrate. Do note the other worker above the Blade miner, it is from a voltage modified 5-chip Gridseed ASIC running at about 490 KHS local hashrate (1150 MHz). You can see that with close number of submitted shares to the pool, the number of rejected (stale) shares is almost twice as high on the smaller ASIC as compared to the Blade Miner. The reason for that difference is that the small miner is running on automatic profit switching and 64 worker difficulty, so it gets more stale shares due to the often switching between different crypto coins and due to the fact that some are with lower difficulty and many blocks are calculated quickly.


So how about leaving the two Gridseed Blade Miners for a few days to run in auto profit switching mode at 64 worker difficulty at scryptguild, the miners were running in 800 MHz. The result is quite interesting, local hashrate reported at about 5 MHS per device with about 6.8-6.9% of stale shares (the percentage is higher as expected) and more HW errors that you would normally get if mining for a specific coin only. What you should be well aware of is that based on the pool and the type of mining you are doing you might be getting different performance that could be lower or higher than what the official specifications about the miner say. Using automatic profit switching pool might help you get more profit than mining directly for LTC for example, though the extra percentage you might get may be lower in reality than what your raw calculations may show initially as you could be getting more stale shares as well as more hardware errors this way. So far we are satisfied from the results we are getting from the new Gridseed Blade Miner, though at the moment due to the uncertainty and the lower Bitcoin and Litecoin prices, people seem to be very careful in general when considering to buy ASIC hardware. And we are not talking only about investment in very powerful and very expensive mining hardware that is expected to ship later this year.

For more photos, specifications and information about the new Gridseed Blade Miner…
