It Is All About BTC, LTC, ETH, DOGE, KAS mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies
Why does this project exist? We want to make sure cryptocurrency will still be available for use and trade within the darknets even in the event that the central banks decide to crack down on the bitcoin business on a large scale.
Anoncoin is currently the only cryptocoin that supports the i2p darknet. With the addition of being fully tor compatible there is a huge possibility of hiding in plain sight by transferring coins using the darknets only. This kind of transfer across darknets, exchanges, and “coin mixers” can help you ensure that the coins you received initially either from mining, purchasing, or as payment of services can be fully scrambled and thus not traceable back to your wallet. Even if the blockchain is studied in detail there will be no way to tell which coins belong to what wallet, nor any kind of ID.
Block Explorer / Crawler
– Windows
– Linux
– Mac
Source Code
– at GitHub
– List of available pools compared
– Bleutrade
1 Response to Anoncoin (ANC) Scrypt based cryptocoin
August 7th, 2017 at 01:54
It seems that this project is (sadly) dead. But It was such promising at the beginning….