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Archive for the ‘Cloud Mining’ Category


We have started testing the PBMining Bitcoin cloud mining service about 4 months ago and it has been operating for about 5 months in total so far. We were a bit skeptical at first with the operations behind the service willing to stay more anonymous and with the fact that the service offers 5 year Bitcoin cloud mining contracts for a price that is really very attractive as compared to other services that sell you cloud mining hashrate for a period of just 1 year and for higher price. But now, a few months later we can say that we are really happy with the service and this is probably the only such service we have tried so far that hasn’t had any problems after using it for so long. Furthermore the service does continue to update their prices bringing them down with each difficulty readjustment, so if you buy hashrate over time such as reinvesting some of your mined earnings you will get it at a better price later on to compensate for the increase in difficulty.

Back in February, when we have started testing and using the service they’ve had just about 14.4 THS worth of hashrate to sell and at the moment their website shows that the total hashrate has increased up to about 829 THS. The price per 1 GHS of cloud mining hashrate back then was 0.0107 BTC and at the moment you can purchase it for 0.0036 BTC. So if you are looking for Bitcoin cloud mining service to try we can recommend to give this one a go, though as usual we do advice to start with just a few GHS to try it out and then decide if it seems trustworthy enough to invest in more hashrate. What could be improved from our point of view is the fact that the service does a weekly payout of your earnings, it would’ve been better if that was a daily instead of weekly one, especially if you have a lot of hashrate. Though weekly payments are still Ok for smaller hashrate contracts and we have never had a problem with the payments.

For more information and to try out the PB Mining Bitcoin cloud mining service…


It seems we’ve been using Genesis Mining’s cloud mining services for two weeks already and have decided to do a short update on our experience with the service after our initial impressions form the service that we’ve shared earlier this month. You can see the list of transactions and payments we have received so far with 1 MHS worth of Scrypt hashrate at the service and the full hashrate set to BTC payments, so whatever the service has mined gets converted to Bitcoins and we get payed in BTC at the end of the day. As you can see from the numbers there are some days with better results than others, but you can get a good idea on what to expect as an average and be able to do the math multiplying the numbers for more megahashes if you are interested.

On a side note, the service as also started accepting DOGEcoin as a payment method for hashrate, though if you convert the 1 MHS price of $180 USD to DOGE the amount you get is quite big – 561909 DOGE (over half a million). And of course you already have the option to allocate the cloud mining hashrate that you purchase for mining DOGE in the control panel should you be interested in that. Initially the prices that Genesis Mining had for the Scrypt cloud mining hashrate were quite good, but with the latest price drops of the Scrypt ASIC miners you could be able to purchase Zeus-based ASIC miners for half the price for the same cloud mining hashrate. So this is something to consider as well when thinking about the possibility to go for the easier way of cloud mining, where you will not have to deal with actual hardware installation and management, including power usage, heat and noise generated by actual Scrypt ASIC miners.

You can also use the following up to date promo code to get a 2.5% discount of the regular price nSO2TE should you decide to try out the service yourself.

For more information and to try out the Genesis Mining Scrypt could mining service yourself…


The Bitcoin cloud mining service Cloud Hashing is becoming more aggressive lately as they have just announced their plans to start offering $1.99 USD price per GH for Bitcoin cloud mining. Their recent merger with the hardware manufacturer HighBitCoin and the forming of the company PeerNova has apparently allowed them to do achieve really good mining performance and thus be able to lower the price for their cloud mining services. They claim that PeerNova’s new PetaOne Blade using a custom 28nm ASIC chip has a power efficiency of 0.35W per GH/s and that is half of what the KnCMiner’s new Neptune miners are said to be able to offer in terms of power efficiency.

There is a bit of a catch though, you are not able to yet get the $1.99 USD price per GHS for their cloud mining services. The mining contracts at this new price are set to go live in August and are 1 year in length and will be a limited volume available on a first come first serve basis. To take advantage of this offer you should apparently contact them company at or by phone at (512)758-7847 to get more details. At the moment the price per GHS you can get with the lowest entry level cloud mining plan in terms of hashrate being offered is about $7.48 USD for the 40 GHS plan and about $5 per GHS for the 600 GHS plan. But the big question is what will be the Bitcoin network difficulty by August, especially now that KnCMiner is about to start shipping their new 3 THS Bitcoin miners. Apparently we’ll have to wait and see.

For more information about the Bitcoin Cloud mining service CloudHashing and to try them out…
