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Archive for the ‘Crypto ICOs’ Category

In the world of crypto currencies ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are a way for many new startup projects to get funding, the problem however is that there have been quite a few of these in the past that did not end up well. There are still some ICOs that are looking suspicious or are screaming Scam all over the place, so you need to be extra careful should you decide to invest into such a project. Here comes ICOindex, a simple and easy to use platform that enables you to find all ongoing and upcoming ICOs, so you can do your research and decide if you find something interesting or not. The website also tracks suspicious ICOs that you should treat with extra caution as well as ones that are looking like scams and you should avoid wasting your money on.

We are not that big fans of ICOs in the crypto world, though we have taken part in some ourselves and will probably continue doing so in the future as well. Doing a proper research and avoiding projects that raise suspicion and have not produced anything yet, but only give you big promises is usually a wise idea. Investing in an initial coin offering may give you satisfaction from being a part of the success of a good project and can also make you some nice profit, but it is also risky form of investment, so be careful not to invest more than you can afford to loose. So a resource such as the ICOindex website might be useful starting point in giving you up do date information and some pointers, but you should still do your own analysis as well.

For more information about the upcoming and currently ongoing crypto ICOs on ICOindex…

The blockchain-based distributed cloud storage service Storj has announced their plan to migrate from the SJCX from Counterparty (Bitcoin blockchain based) to the Ethereum ERC20 token standard. They have summarized the problems and reasons why they consider the switch to the Ethereum blockchain in order to be able to scale up the storage services that they are offering to a much larger number of users than what they currently have with the service just out of beta stage. Their summary is in line with mostly what is currently not Ok for many people using Bitcoin and the issues that need to be addressed in order for the future development and growth of Bitcoin, so do read the quote below.

1. The official Counterparty wallet software, Counterwallet, has had no major updates in over two years, and provides a confusing interface for new users.
2. Last year, multisig ceased functioning because Bitcoin made raw multisig transactions non-standard. Tokens in multisig wallets were rendered inaccessible. There is still no concrete migration path for multisig wallets without direct miner intervention. This makes us worried that other features will cease to function in the future.
3. Because Counterparty uses the Bitcoin blockchain for transactions, which is currently having issues with transaction backlog, our users have experienced extremely long transaction times (hours to days).
4. Because Counterparty transactions create small inputs and are heavier than normal BTC transactions, users have experienced extremely high fees for transactions. For the February farmer payout we paid over $1,600 in transaction fees, or about 13% of total payouts. This is not sustainable or scalable.
5. Our work on micropayment channels for Counterparty offers promising routes to addressing the problems above but is unlikely to be broadly useful. Micropayment networks require broad adoption to be effective and secure. It is unclear whether the Counterparty ecosystem can support a robust layer 2 network.
6. The Counterparty ecosystem is small. Very few other organizations are using it at scale. To create our micropayment tools, we’ve had to fund large upgrades to the Counterparty protocol. It’s not sustainable to finance protocol upgrades while also developing our network and products.

For more details about Storj’s migration from Counterparty to Ethereum…


It has been a bit over 1 year since Augur has finished with their crowdsale of Reputation Tokens (REP) for their decentralized prediction markets platform. Augur has already sent the Reputation Tokens (REP) to everyone that participated in the crowdsale sometime today, even though their platform is not yet live (still in beta). The prediction markets platform is expected to be ready and launched probably by the end of the year, though exact date is not yet set.

The total supply of Augur Reputation Tokens (REP) is 11,000,000 REP (eleven million). The total number of token holders at the time of distribution is apparently 2516 based on unique addresses. If you have participated in the Augur crowdsale you can check if you have received your tokens successfully already.

How to check if you received your REP tokens:
1. Open
2. In the field “Filter By Address” enter your Ethereum Wallet Address
3. You need to use the ETH Wallet address that you set in the Augur crowdsale
4. There should be a transaction and you need to check if the Value (REP) is the right one
5. Do note that if you have not participated in the crowdsale last year no REP tokens will be shown

The Augur REP tokens however will be available for trading on exchanges even before the official launch of the platform and there are already announcements from exchanges that they will be supporting REP token trading. The first exchange to announce Augur REP token support is apparently Kraken. The exchange is introducing the following trading pairs for Augur Reputation Tokens (REP): REP/XBT, REP/ETH, REP/EUR, REP/USD, REP/CAD and REP/JPY, though we are probably also going to soon see more exchanges. If you have missed the crowdsale of REP tokens last year now could be your chance to get some by trading them on exchanges. The expectations from the Augur platform are pretty high already, and the amount of money that users invested in the project during the crowdsale phase was tremendous. Some other good places to trade the coin include Bittrex, HitBTC, Binance, Gateio, Livecoin.
