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We haven’t paid a lot of attention lately to alternative crypto coins that are mined only with CPU with no GPU, FPGA or ASIC miners, so we’ve decided to check what is going on with Coin Magi (XMG) as we haven’t been following it actively the last few months. Coin Magi is a PoW and PoS coin that is currently being traded for a little over 2000 satoshi per coin, it is being traded on multiple altcoin exchanges including some of the largest ones, though the trade volume at the moment is pretty low and there are multiple pools where you can mine the coin if you do have some spare CPU power available and you are wondering what to mine.

Coin Magi (XMG) uses the M7M algorithm and besides CPU mining and staking coins you can also rent mining rigs at the Mining Rig Rentals service. Last year we have tested the most up to date miner available for XMG – the Wolf0 m7m v2 cpuminer on an Intel Core i7 5820k CPU and now we have retested again in order to compare it with a more recent release in the form of a dedicated m-minerd for XMG (source) that is based on Wolf0’s code. The 32-bit version is significantly slower, so we do recommend to go for the 64-bit miner for best performance, but interestingly enough we are getting slightly less performance for, the new miner. The advantage that the new m-minerd miner for the M7M algorithm has an option for that allows you to set the percentage of CPU usage you want the miner to take.

Intel Core i7 5820k (6C 12T) CPU:
– Wolf0 minerd 64-bit – 122 KHS
– m-minerd 32-bit – 64 KHS
– m-minerd 64-bit – 119 KHS

To download and try the Coin Magi (XMG) m-minerd CPU miner compiled for different OSes…


New update in the form of a Windows binary compiled from the latest Git source code of the ccMiner 1.5.78-git SP-MOD fork by SP optimized for the latest Maxwell-based video cards (source). The latest release adds support for the new Blake256 algorithm that Vanillacoin (VNL) has just forked to from WhirlpoolX. Do note that the Blake256 algorithm used by Vanillacoin is slightly different from the one used by BlakeCoin, so you need to use the one specifically for Vanillacoin! Do note that the SP-MOD fork of ccMiner is designed for Nvidia Maxwell GPUs such as the already available GTX 750, 750 Ti as well as the newer GTX 960, GTX 970, GTX 980 and GTX 980 Ti and GTX Titan X. The Windows binary release we have made available here is with support for Compute 5.0 and Compute 5.2 GPUs or with other words only for Maxwell-based Nvidia video cards compiled with CUDA 7.5 and VS2013.

To download the latest ccMiner for Maxwell version 1.5.78-git with Vanillacoin Blake256 support…


Vanillacoin (VNL) has forked to Blake256 as the default Proof-of-Work algorithm from the previously used WhirlpoolX algo, so you need to upgrade your wallet to the new version 0.4.3 and update your mining software as well to support the new Blake algorithm. Do note that the Blake256 algorithm used by Vanillacoin is not exactly the same as the one used by BlakeCoin as VNL uses double sha256 instead of single sha256. Tpruvot has already added support for the new Vanillacoin algorithm in his ccMiner fork (source), so you can use that for mining on Nvidia GPUs and soon we’ll probably see it in other forks as well. Support for the new Blake256 algorithm used by Vanillacoin is also available in a forked cpuminer-multi CPU miner (source) if you want to try CPU mining VNL. Below you can download updated Windows binaries for CPU mining (cpuminer-multi x64), Nvidia GPU mining (ccMiner) and AMD GPU mining (cgminer) if you want to try mining Vanillacoin with the new Blake256 algorithm.

To download the CPU, AMD and Nvidia GPU miners for Vanillacoin Blake256 for Windows…
