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There is another zealot/enemy-1.17 (z-enemy) miner update from Dk and Enemy that adds even more performance improvements to the supported algorithms available. The new z-enemy 1.17 has a major hashrate boost of 5-10% for X16R & X16S, XDNA (HEX), x17, Bitcore (BTX), c11, Sonoa, Renesis and Aergo. Lower-end Nvidia video cards like the GTX 1050 and GTX 1060 should also see a few additional percents of improvement in performance as well. Also note that the latest miner no longer depends on memory, so it allows to run memory clock at +0 or -500 MHz without performance loss.

The latest 1.17 version is available for CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions as well as CUDA 9.0, CUDA 9.1 an CUDA 9.2 binaries for Linux (HiveOS, PiMP OS, EthOS & Ubuntu). Do note that for maximum performance it is recommended to have the latest drivers installed (ver. 398+). We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development.

Windows Downloads:
Download z-enemy 1.17 Windows CUDA 9.1 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.17 Windows CUDA 9.1 64-bit
Download z-enemy 1.17 Windows CUDA 9.2 32-bit
Download z-enemy 1.17 Windows CUDA 9.2 64-bit

Linux Download (HiveOS & Ubuntu):
Download z-enemy 1.17 Linux CUDA 9.0
Download z-enemy 1.17 Linux CUDA 9.1
Download z-enemy 1.17 Linux CUDA 9.2

CryptoDredge is a new Nvidia GPU miner that we have recently talked about as it is offering one of the best Lyra2REv2 performance at the moment. It is a closed source miner that support the following algorithms: Allium, Lyra2REv2, Lyra2z, NeoScrypt and PHI1612 and requires Nvidia GPUs with Compute Capability 5.0 or newer (Maxwell or Pascal architecture). There is a 1% developer fee built-in, so make sure you are Ok with these before checking it out if you still haven’t and make sure to update if you are using the miner already, as it is quite interesting for people mining crypto coins using Lyra2REv2 and Lyra2z algorithms.

The latest version CryptoDredge 0.4.1 adds a bit more performance improvement for Lyra2REv2, we are seeing about 5% increase on GTX 1080 Ti compared to the previous version of the miner, though note that the improvement may vary from one to another GPU. Another interesting improvement is that Lyra2Z should now be mineable on all of the supported Nvidia GPUs and not only on GTX 1050 GPUs. The third interesting new feature is that the miner should now be able to check for new versions and report the availability of such, no auto updating though and we still need to check the feature out when a new version comes out.

For more information and to download the latest version of the CryptoDredge Nvidia GPU miner…


Christian Buchner, the author of the CudaMiner software for mining popular alternative crypto currencies on Nvidia-based GPUs has just released another software called CCminer that is intended to support CUDA GPU mining for Heavycoin (HVC) and Fuguecoin (FC). The GPU miner for Nvidia seems to be offering better performance than the recently released AMD GPU miner for HVC. We have compiled a x86/x64 windows binary from the source code with Compute 3.5 capability and with Visual Studio 2012 (if you are getting errors when running about missing Dll file you may need to download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012).

The performance we are getting on a GeForce GTX 750 Ti card with no overclock is about 4 MHS (4000 KHS) and on a GeForce GTX 780 Ti we get about 10.5 MHS (10500 KHS) with no overclock and raised power limiter to 106%. So if you have a few Nvidia-based GPUs you might want to try mining Heavycoin for a bit with them while the HVC exchange rate is still decent and with some AMD GPU miners getting away from HVC mining. In our experience the 64-bit version of the miner does give less shale shares (less booos) as compared to the x86 binary, though not much difference in performance in terms of hashrate between the two.

Download the CCminer Nvidia GPU Miner with HEFTY1 and Fugu256 Support for Windows…
