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Nvidia has just announced a new GPU architecture called Maxwell and their first GPU to use it – GeForce GTX 750 Ti. We’ve had a card for testing and decided to give it a try and see how it will perform for Scrypt mining as normally Nvidia GPUs are not providing as much hashrate as AMD graphics cards for crypto mining. The next Maxwell architecture from Nvidia however is interesting, because it is focused on optimization for better performance per watt – something that crypto coin miners are also interested a lot in. The new GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPUs have a power consumption of just about 60W and the price range for these cards is $150 USD. When you add the fact that a GeForce GTX 750 Ti based on the Maxwell architecture without overclock makes about 265 KH/s using CUDAminer these become an interesting solution for crypto miners.

CUDAminer startup parameters for 265 KH/s:

cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourworker.cuda -p password -i 0 -l T5x24 -C 1


Furthermore after overclocking the GeForce GTX 750 Ti you can get close up to 300 KH/s hashrate out of the card without problems. There is a chance if the card allows higher overclocking frequencies and higher voltage operation as well as if it has external power and you can increase the power limiter to over 100% to get even higher performance out of it. Furthermore have in mind that CUDAminer is hot yet optimized to support the new Maxwell architecture and the hashrate we are getting out of it is with the kernel for the older Kepler architecture that is used for GTX 780 cards. So there is a chance for even higher performance with a specially optimized CUDAminer for the new Maxwell architecture…


There are already a lot of rumors over the internet, including some leaked photos, specs and gaming performance results of a new Maxwell-based GPU coming from Nvidia next week – the GTX 960. The final specifications of the GTX 960 are not officially announced, but according to the information available the card will come with 1024 CUDA cores, 64 TMUs, 32 ROPs, 128-bit memory bus or essentially half of the specs of the GTX 980. The expected power usage is around 120W or around double that of the GTX 750 Ti with an expected end-user price of about $199 USD ($149 for the 2GB GTX 750 Ti). So with just $50 USD more you could be able to get a new Maxwell-based GPU that could as well provide twice the crypto mining performance of a GTX 750 Ti GPU and if this is indeed true when we see the final card and the actual performance it offers it will be quite an interesting alternative to GTX 750 Ti for mining rigs. That of course is still in the form of speculations as we don’t have officials announced product and specifications, but our expectations based on the leaked data so far suggest that about twice the performance of GTX 750 Ti is possible. We are going to be keeping an eye out for the announcement of the new GTX 960 graphic processors from Nvidia expected next week and are going to be trying out a card as soon as we manage to get our hands on one of these to see what kind of performance will it offer for crypto mining. So stay tuned for more information when it becomes available.

Radiant (RXD) is another project that is quickly catching up with crypto miners, so we are going to be sharing some tips on how you can optimize Nvidia GPUs for better performance with lower power usage for mining RXD with the Bzminer software. Radiant uses the SHA512256d algorithm, another GPU-intensive algorithm, so you can go as low as possible with the video memory and higher on the GPU clock to get better performance with lower power usage for this one. AMD GPU miners interested in mining Radiant (RXD) should go for the SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 1.1.3 software, however it does not come with so advanced GPU clocking features, so you might need to use different tools in trying to optimize the hardware. Here we’ll be focusing on Nvidia GPUs only and Bzminer.

We are going to be using the latest Bzminer v12.1.1 as mining software for the examples below and cover some of the popular Nvidia GPUs fo rmining with settings and expected hashrate and power usage. Obviously, we are going to be setting the GPU clock to a higher fixed frequency (oc_lock_core_clock) and the memory clock (oc_lock_memory_clock) to the lowest possible fixed frequency and we’ll add in the core offset (oc_core_clock_offset) to further lower the power usage by lowering the voltage of the core. In the examples below do not forget to change the pool if you want and also set your Radian wallet address in the place of the YOUR_RXD_WALLET, also do not forget that you need to run Bzminer as administrator in order to for the OC settings to function!

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 GPU running at 1.53 GH/s hashrate with around 170W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1800 --oc_lock_memory_clock 807 --oc_core_clock_offset 350 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 GPU running at 1.21 GH/s hashrate with around 130W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1410 --oc_lock_memory_clock 807 --oc_core_clock_offset 350 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 GPU running at 1.23 GH/s hashrate with around 145W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1750 --oc_lock_memory_clock 810 --oc_core_clock_offset 250 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 GPU running at 1.00 GH/s hashrate with around 115W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1425 --oc_lock_memory_clock 810 --oc_core_clock_offset 250 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPU running at 0.85 GH/s hashrate with around 130W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w 1YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1710 --oc_lock_memory_clock 810 --oc_core_clock_offset 350 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 GPU running at 0.815 GH/s hashrate with around 90W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1710 --oc_lock_memory_clock 810 --oc_core_clock_offset 350 --nc 1

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU running at 0.565 GH/s hashrate with around 100W of power usage:

bzminer -a radiant -p stratum+tcp:// -w YOUR_RXD_WALLET --oc_lock_core_clock 1550 --oc_lock_memory_clock 810 --oc_core_clock_offset 250 --nc 1

Some more useful tips for anyone that wants to experiment with these settings above. We have provided good starting point in terms of frequency and offset that should be stable on most GPUs, however depending on your specific hardware and conditions you might be able to go up a bit for extra performance or power savings or you might need to go lower for attaining good stability. If Bzminer crashes or restarts you might want to start by lowering the setting of the oc_core_clock_offset parameter, that would lead to slightly higher power usage. If lowering the offset does not help, then keep its value and try lowering the GPU clock a bit. The video memory setting is already at the minimum level, so there is no need to play with the clocks there.
