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Posts Tagged ‘bitcoin cloud mining


It seems to be official now after digging a bit around the CexIO website we found some information that “LTC Cloud mining is coming soon” and adding the Litecoin mining pool at is apparently only the first step. The currently running promotion for doubled rewards for Litecoin mining for a week in the new LTC pool is apparently a good trick to attract a lot of user attention and after this week ends the service will most likely start offering LTC cloud mining and trading to go along with the already available BTC cloud mining and trading functionality. And apparently things are already working pretty well with the current pool speed of the Litecoin mining pool at 5.76 GHS and growing as more and more people are joining in. The 100% extra profitability promised over the standard LTC mined is an offer that is not easy to pass at the moment with the not so high profitability of other alternative cryptos, so the news is spreading pretty fast.

The CexIO account Balance page already shows some new things such as the FHM and FHA balance that apparently stands for future mining contracts. 1 FHA and 1 FHM stands for futures contract for 1 GHS that will start mining for you on 26th of April and May respectively with both already traded on the website’s exchange. The purchase of future hashrate at a much lower price of 0.00399999 BTC per FHA or 0.00399999 BTC per FHM. The total FHA (April) is 1000000 GHS (1000 THS) and the total FHM (May) on the exchange is 900000 meaning that apparently there are 900000 GHS (900 THS) more that will be added at CexIO and you can pre-order now. It is very much like pre-ordering a BTC ASIC, but with an exact date for delivery and easier to calculate the break even in time. This however does not mean that these future cloud mining hashrate contracts will be profitable as there are many variables to take into account as well as with pre-orders for ASIC hardware.


One more week has passed from our ongoing PB Mining Bitcoin cloud mining service tests and we got some requests to report on how things are progressing. We are currently testing a few more other cloud mining services that lately do have some issues as apparently they are getting DDOS attacks from people trying to hack them and this is hurting the user experience. What we have noticed is that so far there were no problems with the normal operation of the PB Mining service since we’ve started using it more than two weeks ago and things are still running smooth and on time, definitely a serious plus in our personal opinion.


As we’ve already discussed PB Mining is sending the payouts from the cloud mining hashrate that you have purchased every Sunday before Midnight. This is a bit of a drawback as you have to wait a week to get your earnings available the in Bitcoin wallet, it would’ve been even better if the payouts were daily, so that you would have access to the mined funds faster. Another thing that we have noticed since we’ve purchased another 9 GHs after the initial 1 GHS we used for testing was that each purchase comes on a separate line in your profile and that makes it a bit harder to track the overall results. Also when you are getting your payments sent they come in separate transactions for each purchased lot of hashrate, so if you purchase 10 or 20 times different amounts of cloud mining hashrate it will be harder to track them easily, though there are no problems and you are getting payed as promised and what you have earned right on time.

We have noticed that the total hashrate of the pool has reached 38000 GHS, so the operators of the service are apparently adding more ASICs all the time in order to supply enough hashrate with the increasing demand. If you are planning to start using the BTC cloud mining services that PB Mining provides it will be wise to wait a bit more until the new Bitcoin difficulty hits as we expect the price per GHS to get even lower. The next difficulty increase of the Bitcoin network should happen in about one more day, though the increase this time will be a bit more subtle with roughly about 12-13%. With the previous difficulty increase we’ve seen a price drop for the price per GHS, so we expect to see another one this time as well, so you can just purchase a few GHS to test the service now and get more in a day after the difficulty increases at even better price. Note that PB Mining does provide a long term contracts where you are renting the hashrate you purchase for 5 years period of time and you cannot sell it or transfer it to another user (at least for the moment). So do have in mind that if you plan on investing into cloud mining hashrate there, we do plan to increase our hashrate from the current 10 GHS to at least 20 for the next week when the new difficulty hits and we get an even better price per KHS.

For more information and to try out the PB Mining Bitcoin cloud mining service…


Bitmaintech, the company making 180 GHS AntMiner S1 BTC ASIC devices is still pretty much the only company that only sells units that are on stock and are shipped fast to you with express delivery. Currently the price of a single 180 GHS AntMiner S1 is 1.345 BTC directly from the maker and that includes the shipping costs too. But the question that arises is if these devices are worth investing in now with Terahash ASICs right around the corner? That is why we have decided to do a comparison between the 180 GHS AntMiner S1 ASIC and a cloud mining service as an alternative option and we have chosen the PB Mining Bitcoin cloud mining service. We choose that provides of cloud-based hashrate for mining BTC as they currently offer the most attractive price per GHS of just 0.0089 BTC per GHS.


We choose the PB Mining service for comparison as we have been using the service for a while already and it seems to be running smooth and without issues. Note that what you get there is a mining contract for 5 years, there is no exchange available where you can trade the purchased GHS. This long term contract is the reason why the price is much more attractive as when compared to or other similar services.

So what are the raw numbers:
– 180 GHS AntMiner S1 is 1.345 BTC
– 180 GHS Cloud Mining is 1.602 BTC

This you should however add some more to the price of the AntMiner S1 as you will need to buy a power supply for using the ASIC as there is none included. For a good 500W power supply that you will need you should add in about 0.1 BTC more, plus customs taxes for the ASIC as it is shipped from China that are going to be at least another 0.1 BTC and you get 1.545 BTC or a value that is already pretty close… With the current value in two-three days mining you will be able to cover the remaining difference and you may need to wait for about a week for your miner to arrive, and the cloud mining hashrate will start mining for you pretty much right away or in a few hours after you send the payment.

So it seems that the PB Mining cloud mining service seems an option that is not less attractive than purchasing an 180 GHS AntMiner S1 ASIC device. Of course there are other variables as well, like the fact that you can easily overclock the AntMiner S1 to about 200 GHS, but you will also have an extra cost for the power used by the device that will probably be covered by the extra hashrate achieved by overclocking the miner. So you really have an interesting cloud mining alternative than to purchase mining hardware, both will take pretty much the same time for you to break even before starting to make extra Bitcoins. The choice is yours, but you should consider the alternative options you have in the form of cloud mining instead of purchasing ASIC hardware directly from the manufacturer even if it will be shipped immediately to you.
