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Posts Tagged ‘Bitmain


The Chinese company Bitmain has shown to all other competitors in the field of Bitcoin ASICs how they should do their business successfully and keep all of the clients happy and coming back. The company is still shipping very fast 180 GHS ASIC devices that are on stock and with a price getting lower and lower over time. Currently you can purchase a single 180 GHS Antiminer S1 ASIC that easily overclocks to 200 GHS for 0.998 BTC and the price even includes express shipping. Really unbeatable price for something that will arrive on your door in about a week from China and you will be able to start mining with it. We are already eager to see the company come up with the next generation of ASIC chips using 28 nm technology and offering higher performance with even better performance per watt of power consumed.

For more information about the Bitmain 180 GHS Antiminer S1 Bitcoin ASIC miners….


Today we’ve decided to finally do a measurement to see how much power does a Bitmain AntMiner S1 Bitcoin ASIC use both at idle (not mining), at stock 180 GHS and at overclocked 200 GHS mode. We’ve been using Bitmain AntMiner S1 miner for a while now and have already shared our best settings for overclocking AntMiner S1 to 200 GHS as well as some very interesting thermal images that what gets hot and how hot actually gets on the AntMiner S1 board. We are going to be measuring the power consumption (at the power socket) with the help of a very good 80 Plus Gold certified Power Supply (Seasonic SS-400FL) that is able to deliver about 90% efficiency at maximum load. This means that the actual power usage of the ASIC miner is 10% less than what our measuring device shows and the other 10% of power are being lost during the conversion essentially in the form of heat dissipated by the PSU. What you are paying for is the actual power measured by the device we are using for the tests of the power consumption.


The idle power we have measured was 75W (67.5W + 7.5W). This is the power usage that you can expect from the device as soon as you power up the AntMiner S1, it takes some time to start up and to connect to the Internet in order to get work from the pool and the power usage during that time is about 75W. Also should your ASIC miner loose connection to the Internet or the pool it is configured to mine at gets down and there is no backup or the other pools are also not available the device will consume 75W of power doing essentially nothing.


What you will be more interested in though is the power usage of the Bitmain AntMiner S1 ASIC when it is working and mining for Bitcoions. At the default frequency of 375 MHz of the Bitmain chips used in this device and a hashrate of about 180 GHs you can expect a power consumption of about 407W (366.3W + 40.7W). And if you overclock the device to 393.75 MHz as per our guide here you are going to be getting 20 GHS more hashrate at the cost of a small increase in power usage. In 200 GHS overclocked operating mode Bitmain AntMiner S1 ASIC will use about 422W (379.8W + 42.2W). So if you haven’t overclocked your Antiner S1 yet, then you should and our overclocking guide will ensure you get low HW error rate, lower power consumption and stable 200 GHS of hashing performance.


The latest version of cgminer 3.12.3 has built-in support for the Bitmain AntMiner U1 USB ASIC devices, so there is no need to use the older modified version of cgminer 3.8.5 that Bitmain provides for use with their USB Bitcoin miners. The support in the new cgminer 3.12.3 offers much easier use and more stable hasrate, the HW error rate also seems a bit lower compared to the results with the older version of cgminer. So we would advice to download and use the new cgminer 3.12.3 along with your AntMiner U1 devices and below you can find information on how to run it:

cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourworker.1 -p password --icarus-timing=short --anu-freq 200

The above example will run the AntMiner U1 at 200 MHz and should produce a hasrate of about 1.6GH/s, by increasing the frequency number to 250 for example you can get 2 GH/s hashrate and 275 should get you 2.2 GH/s. Do have in mind that overclocking the AntMiner U1 should be done only after you add a cooling fan to improve the operating temperature of the device. We’ve already measured the operating temperature of the AntMiner U1 at 1.6 GH/s and they do get quite hot even at “stock” frequency. Don’t forget to change the pol and worker/password with your own settings!

To download the latest official cgminer 3.12.3 with ASIC only support…
