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Posts Tagged ‘Equihash Nvidia miner

The miniZ Nvidia CUDA closed source miner for Windows and Linux has been updated to version 1.5r that adds a major performance improvement for Equihash 210,9 (AION) for all supported Nvidia GPUs (up to 7%, depending on the GPU model). The new version also comes with improved stability, though this mostly affects Beam mining, as well as some small improvements and bug fixes to help make the miner more usable. MiniZ is still our preferred miner for ZElCash (Equihash 125,4) as it offers the best performance for that particular algorithm and hopefully the last update also fixes the stability issues it had in the previous version that required a loop to be set in order to keep the miner running.

The miner also supports Equihash 144,5, Equihash 150,5, Equihash 150,5,3, as well as Equihash 192,7, Equihash 125,4, Equihash 210,9 and Equihash96,5 and the various crypto currencies that use these algorithms on compatible Nvidia GPUs. There are CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 10.0 binaries available including support for Nvidia RTX GPUS with the CUDA 10 release (check which version works better on older GPUs, CUDA 10 is required fo RTX). Have in mind that since miniZ is a closed source miner there is also a built-in developer fee of 2% percent included.

To download and try the latest miniZ v1.5r Multi-Equihash Nvidia CUDA Miner…

The miniZ Nvidia CUDA closed source miner for Windows and Linux has been available for a while already, but what caught our attention recently is the addition of support for the Equihash 150,5 algorithm used by BEAM. The miner also supports Equihash 144,5 as well as 192,7 and 96,5 and the various crypto currencies that use these algorithms on compatible 2GB Nvidia GPUs and it there are CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 10.0 versions available including support for Nvidia RTX GPUS with the CUDA 10 release. Since it is a closed source miner there is also a developer fee of 2% percent included.

Back to BEAM support and the Equihash 150,5 algorithm, the miniZ miner took the lead in terms of performance with its recent release over other popular miners that already had support for the algorithm. You might want to check it out if you are mining BEAM or another crypto currency that uses the same algorithm, even NiceHash support is properly working and present, so that will work too. At the moment miniZ does seem to be a good alternative for Equihash 150,5 or BEAM mining to the popular GMiner software that is one of the most used solution for that particular algorithm on Nvidia GPUs.

To download and try the latest miniZ v1.3n3 Multi-Equihash Nvidia CUDA Miner…

The Japanese GMO Internet Group has been venturing into the crypto business with ASIC mining, but now they are apparently also wanting to get into the GPU mining as well will the release of Cryptknocker software miner. A closed source Equihash 200,9 Nvidia GPU miner claiming to be the fastest in terms of hashrate that can be used for mining ZCash (ZEC) or other crypto currencies using the “original” Equihash mining algorithm. Similar to other closed source mining solutions GMO is charging a developer fee for their software from everyone that uses it, the dev fee is 2%, the same amount that the miner apparently manages to be faster compared to other alternatives. The Cryptknocker by GMO miner is available for both Linux and Windows operating systems.

Everything may sound Ok until you realize that the Cryptknocker miner only supports Equihash 200,9 mining on Nvidia GPUs and that particular parameter set is already in the domain of ASIC miners such as the Antminer Z9 or A9 Master. So why release a closed source GPU miner now and with a developer fee built in for an algorithm that is already being mined by specialized mining hardware with a much faster speed than what a GPU can do. Maybe GMO has plans to extend the supported Equihash parameter set with other variations that are still ASIC resistant in the future, but if they don’t, then this piece of software is really pointless and maybe just a PR stunt.

For more about the Cryptknocker Equihash 200,9 Nvidia mining software by GMO (Japanese language only)…
