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Posts Tagged ‘Litecoin (LTC)

The creator of the crypto coin Litecoin (LTC) – Charlie Lee has tweeted that he is leaving Coinbase and will going in order to focus on his creation. Good news for one of the oldest altcoins and a total change from the “no need of further development attitude” from the last couple of years. In the last couple of months we have seen significant changes in LTC and that has lead to the revival of the altcoin after a long period of “sleep” and the news that Charlie Lee is focusing his attention on Litecoin is also a very positive one. We are already seeing the market responding to this positive news with the price of LTC rising…

Litecoin (LTC) has been going up in terms of price in the last few weeks for a number of reasons including the upcoming SegWit support, Lightning Network and now the addition of trading pairs for the crypto currency by Coinbase. There was also a report that in the past 24 hours, over 1 million $LTC has been traded on GDAX. This is finally something that is really making LTC interesting again after the last couple of years when nothing much was happening and Litecoin wast moving much. This push is also helping the manufacturers of Scrypt ASICs such as the Innosilicon Dominator A4 and the more recent Bitmain AntMiner L3+. So if you have left out LTC for dead already, then you might want to reconsider that and keep an eye out for the future developments surrounding LTC once more.

For more on how you can now easily buy, sell, send, and store Litecoin via Coinbase…

Litecoin (LTC) has reached the required threshold in order for SegWit to be activated and this will soon happen, so all users – miners and exchanges are advised to upgrade to the latest Litecoin 0.13.2. SegWit (Segregated Witness) and CSV (CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) will be activated at block 1,201,536 which should hit sometime around 2017­05­11. There are some tips available for pool operators regarding the upcoming activation of SegWit and CSV support for Litecoin in order to make the transition problem free for everyone. You can check this PDF document with some more details on what the Litecoin developers recommend. The relevant BIPs are 68, 112, 113, 141, 143, 144, 147 and you can check more information about them here Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP) should you need more details.
