Posts Tagged ‘Polytimos

There is a new version of the popular closed source miner z-enemy-1.12 for Nvidia GPU mining rigs that is widely used for X16R coins such as RavenCoin (RVN), though the miner also supports quite a lot of other algorithms in the more recent versions. The latest release 1.12 add support for two new crypto algorithms – Sonoa and PHI2, and also brings slight performance increase in a number of already supported algorithms: X17, X16r, X16s, C11, Bitcore, Aeriumx and others. So if you are using the z-enemy miner you might want to update to the latest version of the software.

We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development. There are binary releases available for both Windows and Linux, the official download links are posted below. The Windows binary release is available as CUDA 9.1 and CUDA 9.2 compiled executable, so make sure that you have an up to date driver in order to avoid having issues. Linux binaries are compiled for CUDA 9.1 for the moment and should work fine out of the box on Ubuntu and HiveOS.

To download and try the latest z-enemy-1.12 miner binary release for Windows (CUDA 9.1)…
To download and try the latest z-enemy-1.12 miner binary release for Windows (CUDA 9.2)…
To download and try the latest z-enemy-1.12 miner binary release for Linux (CUDA 9.1)…

There is a new version of the popular closed source miner z-enemy-1.11 for Nvidia GPU mining rigs that is widely used for RavenCoin (RVN) mining, even though the miner has already evolved into supporting a lot other algorithms as well. The latest version 1.11 brings some performance improvements such as up to 4-8% for X17 and up to 1-3% for the X16R and X16S algorithms among others. It promises faster start on multi-gpu rigs with the maximum GPU limit increased to support up to 24 cards. The latest version of the miner supports Aerium’s new swap algo (-a aeriumx), starting 4th June – AeriumX (AEX). The new additions regarding supported algorithms are: C11 (-a c11) basic, Skunk (-a skunk) basic, as well as improved TimeTravel8 (-a timetravel) and Polytimos (-a poly) support.

We remind you that z-enemy is a closed source miner available only as a binary release and it contains a 1% developer fee built-in to support further software development. There are binary releases available for both Windows and Linux, the official download links are posted below. The Windows binary release is available as CUDA 9.1 compiled executable, so make sure that you have an up to date driver in order to avoid having issues. Linux binaries are compiled for CUDA 8.0, 9.0 and 9.1.

To download and try the latest z-enemy-1.11 miner binary release for Windows (CUDA 9.1)…

There is a new official release of tpruvot’s ccMiner fork version 2.2.3 available (source) with new algorithms supported and additional improvements. The latest version brings support for Polytimos algorithm as well as support for the KeccakC algorithm, along with an optimized Keccak support for SM5+ GPUs, based on alexis78 improvements. The official Windows binaries for the new version are compiled for SM 3 Nvidia GPUs and CUDA 9 only (require driver version 384.xx or newer) and are available in 32-bit as well as 64-bit version.

After a quick test of the KeccakC support we can suggest that you might want to try increasing the intensity over the default value for your GPU for some improvements in terms of performance, though even then there is still a faster fork of ccMiner with KeccakC support. If you are interested in mining CreativeCoin (CREA) that uses the KeccakC algorithm with best performance you might want to check out this ccMiner fork for optimal performance.

To download the latest ccMiner tpruvot fork v2.2.3 Windows binaries (x86/x64)…
