Posts Tagged ‘Ravencoin GPU miner

There is now a new optimized open-source fork of ccminer with Ravencoin (RVN) X16r support called nevermore miner (source) that offers better stability compared to the initial ccMiner 2.2.5 with X16r support and similar performance to the closed source ccMiner Enemy 1.03 fork. So if you are worried about closed source miners, you might want to give the nevermore 0.1 miner a try and compile it from the source code yourself. Our initial tests show that the hashrate you get is pretty much the same with very small variation for either of the miners.

There are also official pre-compiled binaries available for Linux and Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) compiled for CUDA 9.0, though do note that these do come with a 1% dev donation fee included as a means to support the developer. You can increase the percentage with a command line parameter if you want to show your support with a higher donation percentage as well. If you compile the miner yourself from source you can remove the developer fee altogether, though you might wan to consider leaving the small 1% developer fee at least for a while.

To download a precompiled Linux or Windows binary of the nevermore miner with X16r support for Ravencoin (RVN)…
