Posts Tagged ‘tpruvot


The ccMiner for Nvidia GPU mining for crypto coins is finally getting more like cgminer for AMD in terms of supported features thanks to developers like tpruvot. The more recent versions including the latest 1.4.9 of his ccMiner fork (source) have introduced features such as the ability to control the intensity of the GPU load, basic API functionality to get stats available to other software, support for JSON-based config file and now also nvapi/nvml support for GPU monitoring and possibly control. We have compiled a Windows binary from the latest source since there is still no official one released with the latest features and you can find a link to download it below. The binary is compiled with VS2013 and CUDA 6.5, however it includes support for Compute 3.0, Compute 3.5, Compute 5.0 and Compute 5.2 GPUs and not only for the new Maxwell-based cards. The latest version also does include some of the optimizations from SP’s ccMiner fork optimized for Maxwell, so you can expect to get similar performance on Maxwell cards such as GTX 750 Ti or GTX 970/980 with this release from tpruvot. The only thing that we still haven’t figured out is how to make GPU monitoring work as we are getting an error message saying that it i not available.

Update: There is now an official release of 1.4.9 available with some additional fixes and changes in the API, so you can download it directly from tpruvot’s Github repository, link below is updated to point to it.

To download the latest ccMiner version 1.4.9 by tpruvot for Windows OS (CUDA 6.5)…


If you have some spare CPU power for mining various GPU mineable algorithms along with the GPU mining rigs and use the generated heat to keep you warm at home this winter, then you might want to check out the new cpuminer fork from Tanguy Pruvot (source). This fork has support not only for the common ASIC mineable SHA256d and Scrypt algorithms that you don’t need to bother with on a CPU anyway, but also for many other algorithms such as X11, X13, X14, X15, Cryptonight, Fresh, Blake, Neoscrypt and others. The performance you can get from a single CPU is nowhere near that a GPU can generate, but still if you manage to mine enough to partially cover the electricity used and use the heat generated from the CPU to keep you warm in the winter it might not be that bad… especially if you use the available CPU power of any GPU mining rigs that you are utilizing already.

To download the latest Windows binary of the cpuminer-multi fork with multiple algorithms support…
