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Posts Tagged ‘win an ASIC miner


Week 2 of the photo contest we have organized together with our partners GAWMiners has ended and we have selected the second week’s winner. The theme of the photo contest this time was Neat as a Pin (tidiest cabling of mining rigs) and you can see the photos of the best submission we have received, the ones that have won a 5-chip Gridseed ASIC miner to the owner of that neat and tidy made mining rig.


And the person who won the second week award is Will Ortiz who has submitted photos of his 100 GHS 10ASIC Blade setup with a custom enclosure and wiring. Really great looking custom design that ensures efficient cooling and very tidy looking mining rig, ready to be replicated in numbers and to go into a data center. The winner will shortly be contacted by GAWMiners to arrange the delivery of the reward.


If you were not the winner this week, don’t worry, you will still have two more chances to win by the end of this month, so get ready to participate in the photo contest with the new theme for the third week – Most Innovative Way to Mine. Time to show some really creative ideas and another chance to win a 5-chip Gridseed ASIC miner. You have until the next Monday to submit your ideas along with photos for a chance to win.

Send your week 3 photo contest entries here in order to get a chance to win a Gridseed ASIC miner…


Just a reminder about this week’s photo contest for a chance to win a 5-chip Gridseed ASIC miner provided by our partners GAWMiners. All you have to do is submit a photo showing the “tidiest cabling of your mining rigs” and you could get an ASIC miner as a reward this week, furthermore you could also play and win in the next two weeks of April as well by participating in the photo contest as each week there will be a different theme of the contest and another Gridseed ASIC device as a prize. So do not miss your chance this week, you still have a few more days to submit your entry.

Submit your photo contest entries here in order to get a chance to win a Gridseed ASIC miner…


Last week, together with our partners GAWMiners, we have started a photo contest that gives you the chance to win a 5-chip Gridseed ASIC miner each week during the month of April. The first week has already passed and we have chosen the first winner, the theme for the photo contest was the Strangest Place to Mine.


Our first winner is Javier Martin Fernadez, who has submitted some really interesting photos and really had chosen the strangest place to mine among all of the photos we have received. He will be contacted shortly by GAW Miners to arrange the shipping of the prize to him. Here is what he has sent as description along with the photos about the place he used to mine in:

This is the strangest place to mine that I found. It’s an old pit used in the 60’s for a blacksmith in his work. Now is full of work material, the perfect place where to put a miner to work. I hope you enjoy the photos.


If you have had a better idea, but did not submit it, don’t worry you will have three more chances to win a Gridseed ASIC Miner during the month of April. The second week of our photo contest has started and we have a new theme, Neat as a Pin (tidiest cabling of mining rigs). So don’t miss your chance to win 5-chip Gridseed ASIC miner this week and remember, if you don’t participate you cannot win for sure.

Send your week 2 photo contest entries here in order to get a chance to win a Gridseed ASIC miner…
