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Posts Tagged ‘X25x

The SINOVATE (SIN) project has announced a plan for a mainnet upgrade at block height 262000 or somewhere around October 14th that will introduce a number of changes, including ones that are very important to miners. There is a new wallet version available that you need to download prior to the fork happening in order to continue to use the wallet after block 262000. The upgrade will include a difficulty retargeting algorithm change from DGW2 to LWMA for more security and 51% attack protection, the reorg solution of Ravencoin with 55 blocks for 51% Attack protection, removal of Shadowsend (PrivateSend) anonymity option because of the regulations with Dual-Key Stealth Address Protocol (DKSAP) currently under consideration a an alternative, 375 node limit across all tiers and additional bug fixes for increased stability.

The most important change however, regarding this upcoming fork, is the adjustment in the Bock Rewards. The Treasury Reward will increase from 1.1% to 10% for further project development, marketing and funding of large exchanges while the Proof-of-work (PoW) mining rewards will be decreased from 250 SIN to just 25 SIN. This means that out of 3052.5 SIN generated every two minutes (every block) only 25 SIN or roughly 0.8% will go to miners (ten times reduction of the block reward for miners from 250 SIN). So out fo 3052.5 SIN: 25 SIN for PoW miners, 2750 SIN for Infinity Nodes and 277.5 SIN for the Treasury. This will essentially make mining SIN pretty pointless with such a low reward and result in significant network hashrate reduction, down to just 1/10 is expected from the current level and hence the additional measures against 51% attack being implemented. How will these changes affect the project we are yet to see in a week time.

For additional information regarding the SINOVATE (SIN) block reward changes…

The latest T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner version 0.14.4 has also introduced support for the new X16Rv2 algorithm, just like the z-enemy 2.2 miner did (the algo that Ravencoin is forking to starting next month). Although the z-enemy miner was technically first with an official release, there was unofficial beta of t-rex 0.14.2 made available by the PEXA project a few days earlier with X16Rv2 support. Do note that you can already test X16Rv2 mining with PEXA Coin on mainnet and not only on pools that have implemented RVN testnet mining with the new X16Rv2 algorightm.

Performance wise it does seem that the T-Rex 0.14.4 miner offers similar or slightly faster hashrate compared to Z-Enemy 2.2 in most algorithm combinations on GTX 1080 Ti after a quick test, though it is best that you compare on your own mining hardware. Also T-Rex has implemented a new command line parameter that enables the miner to automatically switch to a new algorithm at user set fork time (example for RVN: --fork-at x16rv2=2019-10-01T16:00:00). Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner software with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed (the latest for CUDA 10+ support) as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are available in versions compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

The latest T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner version 0.12.1 brings some performance improvement for the MTP algorithm used by ZCoin (XZC), the performance should be up by 1%-3% on some video cards according to the developer. The new version also adds the ability to view the T-Rex log file directly in the web browser and fixes the issues with the Benchmark mode not working properly in the miner.

Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed (the latest for CUDA 10 support) as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…
