Posts Tagged ‘ZIL mining

The mining pool has introduced a new beta feature targeted at miners using ASIC miners such as iPollo or older GPUs with less video memory onboard that would allow them to make more profit when dual-mining Zilliqa (ZIL). These devices do not allow to cache a DAG file for ZIL in advance to avoid creating a new file for every ZIL round. So, ASICs and old GPUs could not fully participate in the ZIL round which is only 1.5 minutes long because the creation of a DAG file had been consuming most of the time that they should normally be mining ZIL during this short window. The new beta feature is new dedicated ports for these miners for dual-mining ETC/ZIL and ETHW/ZIL.

These new server ports allow for more time before the actual start of the ZIL mining round, so when the mining starts the hardware has already generated the DAG for Zilliqa and can start mining on time during the whole mining round. Your equipment will be receiving a specific job that activates DAG file generation prior to the actual ZIL round, so you won’t be missing a second of the round due to DAG file creation. It seems that preliminary testing shows a significant income increase for ASICS such as iPollo miners or GPUs with less video memory, so if you have such you might want to give it a try. There is no need to use these ports on GPUs with large size of video memory that can pre-cache the DAG for Zilliqa just fine.

New Beta-test ASIC ports for ETC/ETHW and ZIL dual-mining…
