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Download cgminer 3.7.3 with Heavycoin GPU Mining Support for Windows

17 Mar


So long with Heavycoin (HVC) being a CPU only coin, now there is an OpenCL miner available for GPU mining the coin with a much faster speed than on a processor. We have compiled the modified version of cgminer 3.7.3 with Heavycoin support for windows and you can download the binary from the link below (source). We are getting about 5 MHS on Radeon R9 280x GPUs as you can see on the screenshot. We have tested the miner and can confirm it is working fine on the 1GH HVC pool, though it may also work on others as well. Due to the rapid increase in pool load you might want to try using and as backup, also make sure configure the miner. And soon we may also see a CUDA miner for GPU mining Heavycoin also available from the developer of cudaminer as well. So no longer point in mining HVC on the CPU only anymore.

You can download cgminer 3.7.3 with Heavycoin support for Windows here…

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25 Responses to Download cgminer 3.7.3 with Heavycoin GPU Mining Support for Windows


March 17th, 2014 at 12:26

Hi how log does the mining Process need to start? when i start it it stays at the point started CG miner but after that massage nothing happens what i´m doing wrong ?


March 17th, 2014 at 13:06

The first time you start it it will take a bit longer for the kernel to compile, the next time it should load the compiled kernel and start much faster. It is also possible that the main 1GH pool might get overloaded from new miners, so do try their second backup pool too.


March 17th, 2014 at 13:33

I am getting kernel errors, “failed to load frontend”. I am running R9 290’s.


March 17th, 2014 at 13:42

Additionally, after waiting for work from pool, when cgminer loads to the def screen, its crashes. I have tried changing mem/core clock speed and Intensity. None of the changes had an effect on preventing cgminer from crashing as soon as it starts mining…Does this ver of cgminer not support “–gpu-platform * -d *,*,*”. it is useful when running the main head off the onboard GPU and not wanting cgminer to start trying to mine on the IGP(I will get errors). Any suggestions?


March 17th, 2014 at 13:42

thanks, works a treat on R9 290 Tri-x OC, set intensity to 4 and core clock to 1100 / mem clock to 1300, power limit +20 on msi afterburner. I am getting 7.9 Mhs per card. Watt meter reads 355 watt – temp @ 62, Mining Microcoin I was drawing 760watt and temps were @ 80/82


March 17th, 2014 at 13:52

badboy, we have only tested on 280X and had no problems running. The gpu-platform option is supported, so if you have multiple cards you can select which ones to use, maybe it is crashing because of another OpenCL device in your system. According to the person who wrote the code this miner may only work on AMD OpenCL hardware.


March 17th, 2014 at 14:12

Admin, I actually have the same cards as tygarbyte. I dont have any problems running any other version of cgminer or sgminer. I do know that my cards are hashing, I just dont know what is causing cgminer to close.


March 17th, 2014 at 14:13

*I can see that my cards are hashing, for the split second that I can see the cgminer stats.


March 17th, 2014 at 14:27

badboy, Add a new line with “pause” (without the quotes) to the command line in the bat file you use to run the miner, this way it should not close the miner window automatically and you might be able to see any error messages.


March 17th, 2014 at 15:06

using another pool also does not work Still hanging at startied cgminer … tryed stating without tghe bat file but then it crashes i have only amd hardware what can i do?


March 17th, 2014 at 15:22

Emanuel, do you have .BIN files generated in the folder where you have the miner, if you don’t then the code does not get compiled on your system. If you do have them available, try deleting them and running the miner again.


March 17th, 2014 at 15:42

i deleted the file and stgarted the bat again an error sayes that could not be found after pressing enter the miner semes to start but freezes and windows says that the programm had an error and needs to be closed puting the back to the folder brings it to the not starting screen again


March 17th, 2014 at 15:48

No, do not delete the .CL file, you need that, you need to look for .BIN files, they are the compiled version of the CL kernel.


March 17th, 2014 at 16:25

There was no .bin file in the Download Paket provided from you where i can get it ?


March 17th, 2014 at 16:45

I have same problem with badboy i use Gigabyte 280x Card and use -d to select card and crash same
Like this problem on Kernel
first it tried to run onboard i select only my 280x


March 17th, 2014 at 17:06

Emanuel: The bin file gets created when you first start cgminer. It is custom to your GPU. Note that this can take a while to compile (took about 20 minutes on my machine – crazy.) If no bin file gets created, or cgminer throws out an error, your GPU may simply not be compatible with what needs to be done to GPU mine this coin (or it’s a bug in the software, so please do note any error messages).


March 17th, 2014 at 17:09


Thank you for the effort. I have a couple of questions. What exactly should be added in bat file to run r9 280x without issues? Normal parameters like tc, intensity, clock, g, etc, or is there something else that has to be changed and some special settings? Do you need to run the CPU version also as I saw mentioned somewhere or simply run the attached cgminer 3.7.3 exe? Do you get the same hashes on the pool also?


March 17th, 2014 at 17:34

Bulk, as soon as you run cgminer you can save a config file (S -> W -> Enter) and edit the extra settings in the config file, this is the easier solution than to set ll of them via the command line. Note that you may have to put a vote parameter manually as it apparently does not get saved in the config file automatically. After that you can play with the extra parameters in order to try to get more performance, however the default settings that are passed to the miner do seem to perform quite well already.


March 17th, 2014 at 19:07

It is not Compiling a bin file even after leting it run in started mode for an hour
added the missing phatk121016 and started it manauly without a bat file and it started but nothing happens semes that it does not find the GPU what can i do now ? what is the right command line that will work can someone provide the bin file or is it specific to the card ?


March 17th, 2014 at 19:08

how much time does it take to compile kernel?i wait 5 minutes,but still nothing happened….CPU Occupyed 25% all the time


March 17th, 2014 at 20:11

The phatk121016 kernel is not needed for Heavycoin, normally it should not take more than a minute to compile the binary file and to start mining and this should happen only the first time you run the miner, after that it loads the bin directly. The binary is specific based on the GPU you have and the settings you pass to the miner like worksize etc.

You can try to compile the miner yourself from the source, this way you can be sure to have all the required components available (line for the source is available above), but it is not easy for a normal person to compile from the source. The code is still probably buggy, we haven not written the miner code, we only compiled it for windows and provided it for people to use it. We have it working just fine on multiple 280X mining rigs we have here.

Here is the BIN file that is compiled for our 280X cards with the default settings, you can try putting it in the mienr directlory and running the miner to see if it will work for you:


March 17th, 2014 at 21:47

I want CUDAMINER for HVC .


March 19th, 2014 at 06:49

Any news about Cudaminer?


March 19th, 2014 at 10:04

No cudaminer for Heavycoin, but another miner called ccminer is now available from the same author for Fugue and Heavy:


March 20th, 2014 at 22:00

I get 55Mhash with 12 gtx 750 ti !

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