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Updated cgminer 3.7.2 with Support for Gridseed 5-chip and 80-chip GC3355 ASICs

12 Apr


We have updated our windows build of the cgminer 3.7.2 with support for Gridseed 5-chip GC3355 ASICs to properly support the new 80-chip Gridseed G-Blade miners, this release is based on the (girnyau source) with the fix for more than 8 chips (up to 256) from dbartle’s version. Previous releases did not properly reported the local hashrate of the new Gridseed G-Blade miners that consist of two 40-chip PCBs, though they were working just fine with the hardware and poolside everything was Ok. Now if you set the chips value from 5 to 40 in the BAT file for running the cgminer you should be seeing the correct local hashrate for the G-Blade, it should work just fine though we haven’t been able to test it as we do not yet have a G-Blade in our hands. Other than that the updated version is compiled and packaged with the latest OpenSSL libraries with a fix for the the Heartbleed bug. You can download the windows binary below and the source folder contains the files modified from the original source should you want to compile it yourself. Check the Readme file for more information on the list of supported frequencies and how to set individual frequencies per device for overclocking your Gridseed ASIC miners.

You can download the latest cgminer 3.7.2 with Gridseed ASICs support on Windows OS here…

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25 Responses to Updated cgminer 3.7.2 with Support for Gridseed 5-chip and 80-chip GC3355 ASICs


April 13th, 2014 at 09:14

Hey Admin, would be awesome to see an updated CPUminer for the gridseeds ;)


April 14th, 2014 at 01:42

Does this still need the WinUSB drivers to recognise the gridseed units, or does it work fine with the Virtual Com port drivers?


April 14th, 2014 at 10:55

Raeli, cgminer does need the WinUSB driver to work as always.


April 14th, 2014 at 19:20

Looking for a bit of help here – running a windows rig and I have 2 5-chip miners and 1 80 chip miner. I’m trying to divide out the 2 different hardware classes into 2 different batch scripts. I see ‘–device|-d’ as an option but I’m not sure how to implement this. Would I put -d 0,1 for one batch script for the 5 chips assuming the device numbers were 0 and 1? How do I see what device numbers are assigned to which pieces of hardware?

Thanks so much in advance.


April 15th, 2014 at 02:59

Any chance to have a cpuminer version for gridseed blade available and to compare?

Rogie Technique

April 15th, 2014 at 06:17

I have an issue, on Windows 8 x64 after running CGminer and using the Zadig CP2102 driver replacement method as outlined. After a few hours (it varies between 1 and 9 hours) it stops sending shares. I can unplug the USB and plug it back in and it’ll start sending shared. I’ve unplugged and plugged in the Gridseed in and re-installed the drivers and let it and i does the same thing hours later. Ideas? Sometimes it’s a mother bear to get it to see the miner again.


April 15th, 2014 at 10:25

Bon, there is no need for a special version of cpuminer for the blade as it does not report local hashrate anyway, the above is just a minor fix for improperly reported local hasrate on the G-Blade in cgminer.

Rogie Technique, we’ve seen similar behavior with the older (earlier) units that use the CP2102 as their build quality is not that good as compared to the newer ones. You should open the cooler and check the cables and connection, we had a cable squeezed in between the cooler and one of the GC3355 chips that was causing the problem, replacing it made the device work better.


April 18th, 2014 at 19:23

JamesJ: I have the same issue. I’d like to be able to see these hash rates separately, or have the miners hash in separate instances of cgminer. Can anybody offer any suggestions please?


April 20th, 2014 at 06:57

will this work with the DUALMINER 2 USB? if so what do i need to put in my bat file? its not recognizing anything


April 20th, 2014 at 11:30

Alex, no this version does not support the single chip DualMiner devices, you should try with this version:

Though we haven’t got a DualMiner 2 to test it it might still work as it was the one made for the first DualMiner ASICs.


April 20th, 2014 at 19:39

anyone has the source of that build or a raspberry binary of it?


April 20th, 2014 at 19:45

darkfriend77, the source of the fork is listed in the post with some modifications we have done based on another release, our modified code is included with the windows binary, so you can compile it for RPi or other platform.


April 21st, 2014 at 09:43

BigDaddyWooWoo, I’ve got them working on the same machine with 10x 5-chip and G-blade installed and have them separated into 12 instances of CGMiner. However restarting them will be a pain in the neck.

I was using CPUMiner because it can assign one device in a single instance. However there’s a bug that CPUMiner stop sending shares randomly and just keep poping up detected new block. So I managed to get back to CGMiner.

CGMiner, with option –hotplug (0 = disabled), will always try to scan for new USB devices after every specified time of interval. If you plug in any new GC3355 devices, it will be immediately recognized and added to the same CGMiner instance, that will make you impossible to start another new CGMiner instance to detect new devices. To stop them from detecting new devices you have to use this option: –usb=:1. This will stop existing CGMiner instance from scanning new devices after 1 device is detected and attached. This method works fine so far, at least to me.

I highly recommend separating one device in one instance with different worker accounts for a more stable hash rate.

Note: If you want to use this method, you will need to unplug the device or disable the device in device manager first, start the new CGMiner instance and it will say no devices detected. Now plug the device in or enable it in device manager. It should be able to be detected and attached. If you enable the device first and start the CGMiner later, it will simply crash.


April 23rd, 2014 at 20:35

Hi Admin, can you please provide a link to your previous build on April 2nd. the link on that post downloads the same file from12th April build.
this build not showing ASIC stats on CGwatcher ( devices > ASIC). its very important for me.
thank you


April 23rd, 2014 at 21:28

This build is based on the same source as the previous one from the same fork, the fix for the G-Blade support should not affect other previously available functionality in any way, normally… we’ll look into that.


April 24th, 2014 at 11:20

thanks for your reply. i was using your cgminer build released on 22nd march, it was working fine with two bridge voltmod. but recently i did the 49.9k voltmod and that build on march 22nd wont allow me to set core frequencies higher than 1200 MH/s. im really grateful if you can send a link to download the April 1st release so i can check it.


April 25th, 2014 at 23:34

I am running 23 5 chip gridseeds on one instance of cgminer. The UI hangs up but the minors are hashing away. Anyone know what can be done to not have the hangup? I have two blades running on another machine and they work great with this build. Thanks!


May 9th, 2014 at 15:52

There is an updated version of jmordica cgminer for GridSeeds, see … some bugfixes and most importantly – support for has been added … any chance you compile and release a new version?


May 11th, 2014 at 13:20

I agree with gminer, is it possible to build this as I’ve tried and getting websock2 errors


May 11th, 2014 at 14:46

I mean ws2tcpip.h is not compatible with winsock.h. Include winsock2.h instead.


May 15th, 2014 at 06:24

Is there any way to specify the number of chips for each device individually in a single instance of cgminer? I’m trying to mix a G-Blade with 2 Gridseed 5-chip units. I have them all hashing in one instance, but I have the chips set to 40, so I’m getting artificially inflated numbers for the 5-chip units. Of course everything is fine poolside and the hash rates I’m getting are what I expected.

I have specified frequency for the two blades and the two Gridseeds all separately, but I can’t figure out how to so do chips. Is it possible? With the discussion of needing to run separate instances, I’m guessing it may not be possible? Thanks.


May 21st, 2014 at 15:08

I have the same problem. need to specify the number of chips for the gridseed single miners and gblade miners . Is this possible?


June 4th, 2014 at 23:19

any simple solution to running 5-chip and 40-chip side by side? Right now the only solution I have found is to use Sandor111’s fork of cpuminer for the 5-chip units and cgminer for the 40-chip. Cgminer still detects the small units and tells me that it’s missing WinUSB driver for them every 5 seconds or so, but doesn’t seem to hand up the miner at all.


August 16th, 2014 at 23:47

I have a 5 chip. The green light is flashing, sometime the red light comes on. But the hash rate on the cgminer is always (5s):0.000. Any ideas? The device manager sees the USB port as ‘STMicroelectronics Virtual COM port (COM8).

Would love to get the mining going …

Karl D

November 25th, 2014 at 14:20

Hi, how do I run cgminer for a specific gridseed device? I have 2 gridseed 5 chips. GSD 0 and GSD 1 appears, how do I cgminer to run GSD 0 on one pool, and cgminer GSD 1 on another pool? I have cgminer 3.7.2 downloaded and already tried -d 0, -d 1 doesn’t work. Thanks

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