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Siamining – Another Open Public Siacoin (SC) GPU Mining Pool

11 Jul


A few days ago we’ve covered the beta SIA pool from Nanopool, and now there is a second more interesting SIacoin mining pool open for public already available called Siamining. Nanopool is still in beta and apparently has some delays with payments, along with high minimum limits and uses PPLNS payment system, while the Siamining pool does seem to be out of beta already and offers more interesting terms, especially for smaller miners. The Siamining Siacoin pool uses a PPS (Pay Per Share) payment system with a slightly higher fee of 3% (to cover for the higher risk for the pool) and does payments every 6 hours. So no need to wait for a very high minimum balance (2000 SC minimum) or to wait for block confirmations before you get your SC payments sent to you, there is also a Long Polling support to minimize stale shares. We have been testing the pool for about a day already and it does seem to be working quite well already, so we do recommend that you check it out, especially for smaller miners.

Meanwhile we have also done some benchmarks using the Siacoin Go Pool miner (source) that uses OpenCL for mining SC on different AMD and Nvidia GPUs (the miner supports mining on Nvidia using OpenCL) and you can fidn the results below. Do note that Nvidia is generally slower than AMD in terms of performance with OpenCL, however the new Pascal Nvidia GPUs such as GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 manage to do quite well in terms of hashrate. When you factor in the very good profitability mining Siacoin it is worth checking it out, especially if you are wondering shoudl you continue mining Ethereum with the current low exchange rate and high difficulty when there are already some good alternatives such as SIA.

Siacoin Go Pool miner hashrate:
– GTX 1080 – 1945 MHS
– GTX 1070 – 1466 MHS
– GTX 980 Ti – 1220 MHS
– GTX 970 – 803 MHS
– GTX 950 – 385 MHS
– GTX 750 Ti – 301 MHS
– RX 480 – 872 MHS
– R9 280X – 849 MHS
– R9 290x – 1116 MHS

Alternatively you can go for dual mining Ethereum and Siacoin using the latest Claymore Dual Miner with ETH in the main focus and SC as a secondary crypto coin to fully utilize the resources of the GPU you are using. Just a reminder that the dual miner is only for AMD GPUs, so for Nvidia GPUs you still need to go for the SIA Go miner that you can download below (64-bit binary for Windows). A word of warning, the Siacoin miner is pretty heavy for the GPU, so be careful with the temperatures and power usage if your focus was lately on mining Ethereum that does not stress the GPU that much unlike other algorithms. The Siacoin Go Pool miner easily hits the TDP limits of the GPU while mining, so make sure your video cards are cool and that your power supply can handle the load.

To download and try the Siacoin Go pool miner for AMD and Nvidia GPUs…

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19 Responses to Siamining – Another Open Public Siacoin (SC) GPU Mining Pool


July 11th, 2016 at 15:52

With gtx980 OC 1450mhz boost make 1245 mh/s on windows 10 x64bit .


July 11th, 2016 at 18:16

GTX960 with stock clocks and latest drivers (368.69): 580Mhs, 110W

Acácio Florentino

July 11th, 2016 at 18:18

HIS R9 280x 1000/1500 doing ~845 MH/s on Windows 10 64 bits.

Acácio Florentino

July 11th, 2016 at 18:20

1000/1500 MHz mean “stock clocks” in my case, and I’m using Crimson 15.12. I forgot to add these informations, so thank you sobad for remembering me.


July 11th, 2016 at 19:36

Doing 319mh/s on GTX 750ti Windowsx64


July 11th, 2016 at 20:06

SAPPHIRE R9 380, 747MH/s on win7 64bit, but why invalid Shares are too much(80~90%)??


July 11th, 2016 at 22:31

Past 6 hours , but not receive payment .


No payouts yet.

All-Time Paid Out: 0.00 SC .


July 11th, 2016 at 22:42

You need to have mined minimum 2000 SC in order to be eligible for payout.


July 11th, 2016 at 22:56

Ah ok thanks :) , i have only 1100 SC .


July 12th, 2016 at 01:37

2016/07/12 07:34:28 Platform Intel(R) OpenCL
2016/07/12 07:34:28 1 device(s) found:
2016/07/12 07:34:28 0 – GPU – Intel(R) HD Graphics 510
2016/07/12 07:34:28 Platform NVIDIA CUDA
2016/07/12 07:34:28 3 device(s) found:
2016/07/12 07:34:28 0 – GPU – GeForce GTX 970
2016/07/12 07:34:28 1 – GPU – GeForce GTX 970
2016/07/12 07:34:28 2 – GPU – GeForce GTX 970
2016/07/12 07:34:28 1 – No work ready
2016/07/12 07:34:30 ERROR fetching work – Get http://localhost:9980/miner/header: dial tcp [::1]:9980: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

If not ever install AMD driver,can’t connect pool.


July 12th, 2016 at 14:51

Your URL “http://localhost:9980/miner/header” points to your local wallet (for solo mining), not any pool. If that’s really what you want to do make sure your SIA wallet is running and firewall connections from/to localhost are not blocked for port tcp/9980. Maybe also necessary to use IPV4 instead of IPV6 ( instead of name “localhost”), but not sure about that.


July 12th, 2016 at 18:10

My AMD platform can run correctly in the same network.


July 13th, 2016 at 10:05

I am running a R9 390X and getting 1362.5 MH/s. I am only slightly overclocked as well, it runs stable and I am able to use the computer for daily tasks. I am running on nanopool.


July 13th, 2016 at 23:10


You need the gominer version that works with pools.

See where to find it at


Thanks for the review!


July 14th, 2016 at 18:45

I use the wrong parameter “gominer.exe -E 0 2 3 -I 25 -H ~~”. The correct parameter is “gominer.exe -E 0,2,3 -I 25 -H ~~”.
But use NVIDIA card to run gominer,the CPU Utilization always is 50%.


October 19th, 2017 at 18:54

I’ve Installed a RX 480 – and Got 1100 MH/s. has de informtuion of a realised payout but I have received nothing im my wallet (using Sia-UI).

2017-10-19 02:40 UTC 500.94 SC 94162d3eb5b1346a3794fcaaba89ef6e8337b35662fc0ec222a1ba79229a1239 confirmed

ID 6d5b057a6808f2c7ef2f5af4e0613b322165e9fc09fb5a705ea75e85d5dc9338
Address 572f37255367f90a3e0b44d9f6927010b16519014b7ef972426f2d2751c057b95845eb0af724
Value 501 siacoins


October 19th, 2017 at 18:55

Any idea of what’s happening?



October 19th, 2017 at 19:23

Maybe something is wrong with your local wallet, the transaction seems to be fine getting out from the mining pool…


October 19th, 2017 at 19:38

Any hint of how to bypass potential wallett problems?

Thanks for your help admin.

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