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There is now a sph-sgminer fork with Luffa512 algorithm support available thanks to djm34 (source), the guy that just released ccMiner fork with Luffa512 support. We have compiled a windows binary from the latest source and have already tested it mining DoomCoin on an AMD Radeon R9 280X GPU to see what performance we are going to get – the result was about 143 MHS (faster than current performance on Nvidia GPUs). You can download and try the windows binary yourself from the link below. Do note that this version of sph-sgminer also supports most other new algorithms as well, so you an use it for mining not only DoomCoin. Also make sure to be using the latest 14.6/14.7 beta drivers from AMD in order to get the best performance and currently it seems that Nvidia GPU miners have some advantage in terms of performance for this algorithm.

To download the updated sph-sgminer fork with Luffa512 algorithm support for Windows OS…


It did not take much time for the AMD miners to also get a GPU miner for the new Whirlpool algorithm and Whirlcoin, the first coin to use it. We now have a sph-sgminer fork with whirlpool support added again thanks to djm34 (source), the guy that just released ccMiner fork with Whirlpool support. We have compiled a windows binary from the latest source and have already tested it on an AMD Radeon R9 280X GPU to see what performance we are going to get – the result was 3300 KHS. You can download and try the windows binary yourself from the link below. Do note that this version of sph-sgminer also supports most other new algorithms as well, so you an use it for mining not only Whirlcoin. Also make sure to be using the latest 14.6/14.7 beta drivers from AMD in order to get the best performance and currently it seems that Nvidia GPU miners have some advantage in terms of performance for this algorithm.

Update: The miner has been updated to include the new updated whirlpool kernel that increases performance. With the new kernel we are getting a boost from about 3300 KHS to about 4750 KHS on a Radeon R9 280X GPU, so definitely worth upgrading if you are mining whirlcoin for example with AMD GPUs. Just redownload the miner to get the updated kernel and take advantage of the significant performance boost for whirlpool algorithm mining.

To download the updated sph-sgminer fork with Whirlpool algorithm support for Windows OS…


There is now a new fork of sph-sgminer by djm34 optimized for higher performance for the NIST5 algorithm used by Talkcoin (source) that relies on the same kernel optimization method used by the x11mod fork by lasybear. This new fork of sgminer does improve significantly the performance you can get and our tests have shown that with it we are getting about 7 MHS hashrate mining TalkCoin (TAC) on Radeon R9 280X up from about 4 MHS with the previously available sgminer for TalkCoin that we have tried. We have compiled a windows binary from the source, so you can download and try it yourself as well and you might want to be fast while the price of TAC is still quite high.

You can download sgminer 4.1.0 with optimized NIST5 support for Windows OS here…
