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Archive for the ‘Cloud Mining’ Category

It seems that with the waking up of the crypto market after the long “crypto winter” the companies that survived are getting back on track and so is Genesis Mining. After recently starting with new BTC to ETH trading and DASH (X11) Cloud Mining Offers, they are now also opening up new contracts for Bitcoin (BTC) cloud mining as well. Now, cloud mining can be a tricky and risky business and over the years we’ve had a fair share of bad luck and bad decisions, so you should always be extra careful and do your math and set reasonable expectations. Genesis Mining is one of the largest could mining companies that we have worked with for a long time and unlike most others it managed to survive and adapt to the market changes over the years. Companies that handle crypto should learn more about cybersecurity solutions like the ones from Fortinet.

The company is currently offering two plans for Bitcoin could mining: Bitcoin Radiant Classic and Bitcoin Radiant Zero. The Classic one is with 1 year (12 Months) of guaranteed runtime even in cases where your daily mining reward falls below the Maintenance Fees and a fixed maintenance fee is deducted from all 1 year contracts for their full runtime with the current maintenance fees set at $0.099 USD per TH/s per day. The Zero plan is also with 1 year (12 Months) of guaranteed runtime, however there is no Maintenance Fee involved, you pay for everything upfront and thus the price is higher.

The Radiant Classic Gold plan is available for $65.99 for 2.5 THS, Radiant Classic Platinum offers 25 THS for $629.99 USD and the Radiant Classic Diamond plan is for 200 THS at a price of $4799 USD. The Radiant Zero Gold plan is for 1.5 THS at $94.99 USD, the Radiant Zero Platinum plan is for 20 THS at $1259.99 USD and the Radiant Zero Diamond plan i for 75 THS at $4724.99 USD. There is also an option for custom plan with different hashrate for each of the two variants for Bitcoin (SHA-256) cloud mining that the company offers. You can also use our special discount code CryptoMiningBlog5 to get some extra discount and get even better price should you decide to give their services a try.

Fore more details about the current Bitcoin (SHA256) Cloud mining offers from Genesis Mining…

The last year or so was tough for all miners, including companies that were offering cloud mining hashrate such as Genesis Mining and their customers as well. It seems however things are getting back on track for mining as there are new offers for DASH (X11) cloud mining coming from them at prices that actually seem reasonable and even profitable with the current far from great market conditions. The cloud mining contracts are with 2 years term and $0.00001 USD per MH/s per day maintenance fee, furthermore after running the numbers through a mining calculator you can earn back what you have invested in about a year (taking into account the current mining difficulty and price of DASH). You can also use our special discount code CryptoMiningBlog5 to get some extra discount and get even better price should you decide to give their services a try.

What we would like to see however in such an offer are more options to mine X11 crypto coins with the hashrate you can purchase as currently it is only usable for DASH mining directly and you can switch to a number of other cryptos that aren’t X11. This means that you can mine DASH and then it is being automatically sold for BTC, LTC, DOGE, XMR, ZEC or BTG and you get paid the amount if you do not want to get directly DASH coins. With a booming mining market this might be fine, but in conditions like at the moment having more flexibility is what miners are looking for and companies offering cloud mining and looking for customers should be able to offer more flexibility to their users in order to make their offers more attractive.

Fore more details about the current DASH (X11) Cloud mining offers from Genesis Mining…

One of the world’s largest crypto cloud mining provider is offering Bitcoin cloud mining contracts again after a few months without the option to buy BTC cloud mining contracts. The new contracts do not seem to be that attractive price wise, even though they are for 5 years duration and will not get cancelled even if they become unable to pay for the maintanance fees for the duration of the contract. The most interesting thing here according to the company is the reduction of the maintenance fee to as low as $0.14 USD per THS per day for all new mining capacities as well as the ability to also mine natively Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with any purchased hashrate. You can easily check if this is a good deal or not for you if you run the numbers in a mining calculator. Unfortunately at the moment no other type of cloud mining hashrate is being offered such as DASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero or Zcash. Do note however that current cloud mining offers are temporarily not available for US customers due.

If you are interested in checking out the current Bitcoin cloud mining offers of Genesis Mining…
