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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category

There are already a few variations available of the CryptoNight algorithm and different coins are using different versions, so it is hard to keep a track of all and use a different miner for the slightly different version. The SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner might help you here as it pretty much supports all of the variations of CryptoNight for now for AMD GPU miners, for example the just forked IPBC that decided to go for Cryptonight UltraHeavy (CN Light Custom v3) instead of the regular V7.

Supported CryptoNight variations:
– Cryptonight
– Cryptonight V7
– Cryptonight Lite
– Cryptonight Lite V7
– Cryptonight Heavy
– Cryptonight UltraHeavy

SRBMiner is a closed source miner and comes with a built-in developer fee of just 0.85%. The run the miner you just need to do some simple tweaking of the config.txt file like setting the intensity (leave it to 0 for auto) and choose the right algorithm, then just set the pools in the pools.txt file (more than 1 pool to have failover support) and run the miner. The miner works on older and newer AMD GPUs, including the latest RX series, but you should not have issues with older GPUs as well.

For more information a out the latest SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner V1.4.2…

The Cast XMR CryptoNight GPU miner for AMD RX VEGA 56/64 GPUs has just been updated to version 0.9.5 with added support for the CryptoNight Heavy algorithm used by coins like Sumokoin (SUMO) and Haven (XHV). The new miner version comes with 0.5% performance improvement for the CryptoNightV7 kernel that it also supports. You can also use Cast XMR to mine the old CryptoNight algorithm, though now with ASIC miners available you probably wouldn’t want to do it. You can use the --algo command line option to set the desired algorithm: 0 for CryptoNight, 1 for CryptoNightV7 and 2 for CryptoNight Heavy. As a reminder, Cast XMR is a closed source miner and comes with 1.5% developer fee included as a means to support the further development of the miner.

To download the updated to version 0.9.5 of the Cast XRM miner…

You have probably noticed that there are a lot of miners lately for the Ravencoin (RVN) X16r mining algorithm and it is hard to keep a track of them all and also to compare the difference in performance because of the rotating algorithms. With Enemy’s closed source fork of ccminer being one of the fastest out there, though there are already a lot of open source alternatives available that we have already covered. There is however a new miner from Enemy – z-enemy-1.05a, that is no longer forked from ccminer, though it is still closed source, it is worth checking out if you are fine whit closed source miners. The new zealot/enemy 1.05a miner for Ravencoin (RVN) currently supports only the X16r mining algorithm and has a developer fee of 1% built-in, it is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Te latest Enemy 1.03a and 1.04a versions are based off ccminer and they do have built-in support for the X16S mining algorithms as well, so you might want to use these for Pigeoncoin (PGN) mining if you are interested. Below you can find the latest official miners and download links for the different Enemy miners for Ravencoin (RVN) with the changes they bring as posted by Enemy. Do note that all of these miners are for Nvidia GPU mining rigs only and are based on CUDA, they will not work on AMD OpenCL hardware.

Enemy 1-03a Fixed bug shavite skip block – native, +x16s, no imp.
Cuda 8.0 Linux (z-enemy-1.05a) Fix pool + min imp.
Cuda 9.1 Linux (z-enemy-1.05a) Fix pool switch + min imp.
Cuda 8.0 Windows x32 (enemy-1.04a) Fix pools switch + support 11+ card+ add support x16s (Pigeon)
Cuda 9.1 Windows x32 (z-enemy-1.05a) Fix pool switch
