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Archive for the ‘Mining Software’ Category


There is now a new ccMiner fork with support for the X15 algorithm available for Nvidia GPU miners thanks to djm34 (source). The X15 algorithm support is still a bit rough, but it works quite well already, so you can experiment with it and try mining with your GPUs. We have tried it on a GeForce GTX 750 Ti where we are getting about 1450 KHS hashrate when mining for a X15 crypto coin such as BitBlock, and from a GeForce GTX 780 Ti you can expect to get around 2600 KHS in terms of hashrate with this new miner.

We have compiled a windows binary of the new miner and you can download it from the link below. Do note however that the windows binary is compiled for Compute 3.0, 3.5 and 5.0 cards (32-bit version only) in a single binary, so it will not work on older cards. If you are unsure what version of Compute does your video card support check the included GPU Compute Capabilities List file. It is also compiled with Visual Studio 2012, so if you do not already have Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 you will have to download and install it, otherwise you may be getting error for a missing DLL library.

To download the new ccMiner fork with X15 algorithm support for Windows OS…


It seems that we are now moving from X11 and X13 to X15 as a few coins have already been launched or will be launched soon using the new X15 algorithm, so you need a new GPU miner in order to be able to mine them. Fortunately there is already a X15-capable fork of sgminer 5.0 beta available (source). We have compiled a windows binary that you can download and try below, our tests on an AMD Radeon R9 280X GPU have shown a hashrate of about 2300 KHS, so the performance is quite good when you consider that there are more algorithms in the X15 than in X13 and X11, so lower performance is to be expected.

You can download the new sgminer 5.0 beta fork with X15 support compiled for Windows OS here…


There is a new cgminer 4.3.5 fork available with support for the Zeus-based Scrypt ASIC miners as well as Gridseed Scrypt ASICs by a user called dmaxl (source). This version brings cgminer more up to date in terms of supported features for the users of ZeusMiner-based ASICs as well as for Gridseed users. We have compiled a windows binary of this new cgminer fork that you can download and try from the link below. Do note that you may need to replace the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller driver with a WinUSB one by using the Zadig software, though direct serial control will also work by specifying the correct COM port of the miner to use (check the Readme file for more details). We have successfully managed to run the miner but do note that it crashes sometimes, so it might not be working perfectly yet and it may also needs a bit more work on support.

You can download the new cgminer 4.3.5 with Zeus and Gridseed Support for Windows OS here…
