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A few years ago a lot of miners were using the NiceHash platform as a default go to solution for mining and making a good profit with the available mining hardware without having to manually switch different coins and algorithms all the time. That was until platform was hacked and even though it has been restarted afterwards and users started getting paid back in portions what they have lost due to the hack things hasn’t been the same since. Another thing that “helped” users move away to other places for mining or selling their mining rigs’ hashrate is the drop of the price of Bitcoin and other alternative crypto currencies that has continued for quite some time now, even though we have started to see somewhat of a recovery in the last months.

So we have recently decided to give a try of the latest NiceHash Miner software that uses the NiceHash platform for automatic mining of the most profitable algorithm based on your mining hardware… we haven’t been keeping track fo that software for quite some time, especially after the significant change with the launch of the new and redesigned version of the platform has been launched. Yes, now it is way more functional, however not so attractive to more advanced miners if you ask us and even not so attractive or easy for novice users if you ask us based on our first impressions from the latest NH miner. That is why we have started looking for alternatives and one such has caught our attention – the Cudo Miner, but more about it in a moment.

Back to the NiceHash Miner that has apparently been turned into a nice looking, but not well enough and not really well working solution. Slow initial download of miners, slow benchmarking afterward and not problem free at that, benchmarking issues and while testing performance and actually mining on NiceHash not mining using your own wallet and for you and some other issues are what quickly drove us away half the way while testing and trying to make the software work after dedicating a few hours to it. You are of course welcome to give it a try, do not forget that in order to use it nowadays you must register first on NiceHash, something previously not required and that made things much easier, though not without some limitations.

This leads us to the Cudo Miner as an alternative solution that we had our eye on for a while, but haven’t given it a try yet, but the recent unsatisfactory results with the NiceHash Miner ave us the incentive to test the alternative. The first impressions of this solution were that it is indeed what novice and somewhat more advanced users actually expect from such a solution. Fast and easy setup and installation, nice looking and informative graphical user interface, easy configuration and monitoring and control… it is all there and working much better and problem free and we really like that.

By default the mining software runs on both the available CPU and GPUs, with the processor only supporting RandomX mining currently and you can easily stop it and probably should, unless you have a higher-end CPU in your GPU mining rigs. There are fewer algorithms available for mining by default, but you can enable 3rd party miners and get more coins and algorithms available as options to get better results mining the most profitable ones. Of course the number is more limited compared to what is available on NiceHash for instance, but things here work surprisingly well and the user is not left alone wondering what is happening or why something is not working as it is supposed to. Things are happening on the background and working without bothering the user, something that not so advanced users like, but may not be that Ok for more advanced miners on the other hand.

Of course not everything is perfect and there is more to be desired, for instance if you mine Ethereum on GDDR5X GPUs it seems that ETHlargementPill is not being used in order to maximize performance, though if you run it manually everything works with improved hashrate. More algorithms and coins could be helpful for maximizing performance and using the most recent versions of 3rd party miners could further decrease issues and increase hashrate, though this could still be a double-sided sword.

We also liked the web-based monitoring and control interface that the Cudo Miner has, it is easy and straightforward without too much things to confuse the users. We got a somewhat unexpected 5000 satoshi bonus for signing up at the service, then choose that we want to be paid in Bitcoin (you can be paid in the miner cryptocurrency as well) or have it converted to BTC. One thing that we did not like that much is the rather high initial mining fee that the service charges you, starting at 6.5% and getting lower based on your mining revenue for the last 30 days, so it will take a bit of time until you get to a lower fee if you have just one mining rig, should be faster with more rigs to get into the more reasonable 2.5-3%. Will the higher mining fees be compensated with improved mining profit and you not having to bother to monitor and switch between coins, algorithms and miners, hopefully it will.

So, in short, our first impressions from the Cudo Miner are quite positive, even though there are some things that probably need addressing. We still haven’t tried everything, there is also a standalone Linux-based mining OS (CudoOS) available and not just a mining client that you can run on Windows. There is also support for mining ASICs available, though there you need to use a standard stratum pool connection and it will be more like standard mining for them, but you will still have a one place for monitoring them as well. These and some other things need extra time for testing, but again, our initial impressions are pretty positive and we would recommend users that are new to mining and don’t want to bother with constant monitoring and switching for their mining rigs to give the service a go and see if it will do well for them.

If you want to try out the Cudo Miner automated mining solution on your mining hardware…

The RavenCoin (RVN) project is up for another fork sometime in April that will change once more the Proof of Work mining algorithm used in order to fend off FPGA and ASIC miners specifically and allow GPU miners to get back to mining the coin. The first fork to change the mining algorithm in October last year changed the initial algo to a new X16Rv2 and while that did drive off ASIC and FPGA miners for a while off the network, it did not help that much on the long run as apparently specialized mining hardware was quickly adapted to the new algorithm. This time the change in the algorithm is more drastic and should make sure that GPU mining on a level playing field for both AMD and Nvidia GPU miners is available for long…

The new algorithm that RVN will be adopting is called KAWPOW and is a derivative of ProgPOW with parameters specific for Ravencoin. The fork is planned for sometime in April, but a specific block time and expected date is not yet chosen. Meanwhile you are welcome to test the new dedicated miner called kawpowminer software that currently only supports mining the new algorithm and you can test it on the RavenCoin testnet using the MinerMore mining pool to make sure you are ready for the fork.

RavenCoin KAWPOW testnet pool:
kawpowminer -U -P stratum+tcp://

The miner is currently available for both Windows and Linux operating systems, though apparently there is not yet official OpenCL binary for Windows, only CUDA. Since the binary releases do not include the required Nvidia CUDA 10.2 libraries you would also need to have the latest Nvidia CUDA Toolkit installed (or at least the runtime libraries from it). Other popular mining software would most likely add the required support for the new algorithm soon before or after the fork to the new algorithm occurs.

Expected performance on stock settings:
– GTX 1050Ti: ~5+ MH/s
– GTX 1060: ~9.5 MH/s
– GTX 1070: ~14 MH/s
– GTX 1070Ti: ~14 MH/s
– GTX 1080Ti: ~24.5 MH/s

We remind you that unlike with Ethash, PROGPOW does not favor lower-end AMD GPUs as it is not so much memory dependent, thus a lower-end AMD GPU will perform similarly to the same level of Nvidia GPU and a higher-end AMD GPU like a similar class Nvidia GPU when using the new KAWPOW algorithm!

The CureCoin (CURE) is not the only project that gives you the chance to earn crypto coins while using your CPU/GPU mining hardware for helping Folding@Home in their efforts to fight the Coronavirus COVID-19. Another project that has a similar feature is Banano (BAN) via their BananoMiner website, though they do offer other ways to earn BAN coins as well, so not only by folding proteins with Folding@Home.

We have already covered how you can Help Folding@Home COVID-19 Efforts With Your Crypto Mining Rigs completely free and anonymously. You need to start by downloading, installing and running the Folding@Home client software for your operating system. Then when asked if you want to fold Anonymous or want to set up an identity, you need to choose the second and head to the dedicated BananoMiner website where you need to input your BAN wallet address and as a result you will get a unique Username and a Team ID (should always be 234980), these two you need for your F@H client in order to be credited coins based on the amount of work you do folding proteins. It is also good to register an identity (the username you got from Banano Miner) in order to get a password as it may help you earn some extra bonus points, though not a requirement to make tings work.

Make sure that you enter the username you got when registering your wallet on Banano Miner as well as the correct Folding@Home Team number in the respective fields, also if you registered your identity you need to enter the password you got from F@H. This is required so that your FAH points will be credited to the right Banano Team’s total and that you would be getting your rewards. Save the settings and start Folding away with your available CPU and/or GPU resources. This is all you need to do to start earning Banano (BAN) crypto coins while you are folding proteins and helping the fight against the Coronavirus COVID-19. You might need to wait some hours or a day before any coins will be credited for he work you do folding proteins, so better check your results in a day after you start. Don’t expect to earn lot though, you are doing this for the common good or at least should be, the BAN coins you get are just to help you cover some of your electricity costs. Banano (BAN) is a smaller in terms of market cap and daily volume compared to Curecoin (CURE), but is also an active project, so you might want to check more details about it as well. Some good crypto exchanges that support trading Banano (BAN) coins include Citex and Txbit.
