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The latest T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner version 0.11.0 adds support for the new X25x algorithm to be used by the SUQA/SIN Project in the upcoming hardfork planned for block 165,000 or around 24th-25th May. So far this is the first and the only miner for the new X25x algorithm to be ready ahead of the fork, so if you are planning on mining SUQA/SIN after the fork make sure you are ready. Aside from the support for the new algorithm, the new latest T-Rex brings some bug fixes that help improve the stability of the miner. The previous release T-Rex 0.10.2 from a couple of days ago also brought support for the MTP algorithm (Zcoin), so this is something new if you have missed the previous update and are still on the pretty old 0.9.2 version.

Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed (the latest for CUDA 10 support) as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

Here comes CryptoDredge 0.19.0 and it brings along support for a new algorithms – Argon2d (250/4096), as well as improvements for the MTP, CryptonightGPU and CryptoNight-like algorithms. The previous release CryptoDredge 0.18.0 has introduced support only for the argon2d-dyn only. The new version also removes some obsolete algorithms and introduces some minor fixes to further improve stability and usability of the miner. Some users are reporting nice performance boost for CryptoNight-based algorithms on some Nvidia GPUs, so you might be interested in giving CryptoNight a go with the new version, not much of extra performance for MTP though.

Do note that the CryptoDredge miner supports only Nvidia GPUs and is a closed source software that comes with 1% built-in developer fee for all supported algorithms, however the dev fee is 2% currently only for MTP mining (Zcoin), there are binaries available for both Windows and Linux (CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0).

To download and try the latest release of the CryptoDredge 0.19.0 Nvidia GPU miner…

The BSHA3 project was apparently revealed last year, however it seems that the original developer of the coin has abandoned his work and a bit earlier this year it has been revived as a community supported project. BSHA3 is apparently the first crypto coin to use the SHA3d algorithm (like SHA3-256, but two iterations each time – in the spirit of Bitcoin’s SHA-256d). Other than the different algorithm the coin follows Bitcoin’s math with 50 BSHA3 coins per block, 10 minute block time and 21 million coins to be ever mined in total. The original chain relied on 2016 block difficulty adjustment as well, though that apparently caused it to get stuck at a point, so the new community fork at block 20418 with the new LWMA 3 difficulty algorithm was made available to fix the problem and restore the network.

There are already a number of mining pools available as well as few small exchanges that have listed the coin, though it seems that currently the mining is being dominated by a single Asian mining pool. There is a miner forked from ccminer for Nvidia GPUs available for the SHA3d algorithm available. Also the algorithm is already available for mining on FPGA devices as well, the HashAltcoin Blackminer F1 series do have support for SHA3d, though that does not bring that much advantage over a high-end GPU mining rig in terms of performance compared to ASICs for example. If you are looking for an exchanges to trade BSHA3 coins you can try Citex.

For more details about the BSHA3 SHA3d community supported crypto coin…
