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Things are moving for the X16R algorithm used by Ravencoin (RVN) as well in terms of more and better miners for AMD GPUs as well as there are already quite a few options available for NVidia miners. There is now a new faster sgminer fork from KL0nLutiy (source) that is based on the recently released Avermore miner that promises 4-6% or even a bit more performance. The optimizations seems to be result from adding some optimized kernels from Wolf and they do seem to boost performance well, so if mining X16R on AMD definitely worth trying this miner. There is already an official Windows binary available with 1% developer fee with Linux binary expected to be made available soon, though you can compile from source as well.

If you want to download and try the new faster X11R AMD GPU miner…

The Cast XMR CryptoNight GPU miner for AMD RX VEGA 56/64 GPUs has just been updated to version 0.9.5 with added support for the CryptoNight Heavy algorithm used by coins like Sumokoin (SUMO) and Haven (XHV). The new miner version comes with 0.5% performance improvement for the CryptoNightV7 kernel that it also supports. You can also use Cast XMR to mine the old CryptoNight algorithm, though now with ASIC miners available you probably wouldn’t want to do it. You can use the --algo command line option to set the desired algorithm: 0 for CryptoNight, 1 for CryptoNightV7 and 2 for CryptoNight Heavy. As a reminder, Cast XMR is a closed source miner and comes with 1.5% developer fee included as a means to support the further development of the miner.

To download the updated to version 0.9.5 of the Cast XRM miner…

Monero (XMR) has already forked to the new CryptoNight7 POW algorithm, invalidating the existing and probably the upcoming CryptoNight ASIC miners and we have already seen a significant decrease in the network hashrate and difficulty as a direct result. Since CryptoNight is originally doing better on AMD hardware the people with AMD GPU mining rigs are probably switching to CryptoNightV7 mining and there are a couple of miners available that you can use. As we ave already written in advance, there are some good options available with CryptoNightV7 support for AMD RX VEGA GPUs. Although the Xrig and Cast-XMR miners that are probably best for VEGA, they can also work on RX 4xx/5xx series of GPUs, but owners of other AMD GPUs should probably prefer to go for Claymore’s CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner v11.3. The latest version does come with removed developer fee, so it is completely free now and adds support for the Monero hardfork, you just need to add the option -pow7 1 and you are good to go with CryptoNightV7 mining. Meanwhile there are other CryptoNight coins moving to CryptoNightV7, so make sure you are ready for them as well…

Nvidia GPU miners are also not forgotten and also have support for the new CryptonightV7 coins from the most popular miner out there that supports CUDA – KlausT’s ccminer-cryptonight fork. Nvidia GPUs however are as not as well performing compared to AMD GPUs, so the interest there for CryptoNight coins isn’t that big, but you never know when you can get a good profit even with Nvidia GPUS mining CryptoNight coins as well. With ccminer-cryptonight just make sure that you select the proper algorithm, depending on the coin you mine, the latest version adds support for cryptonight, monero, graft and stellite with the last one generating a lot of interest apparently. The latest NiceHash Excavator miner still in alpha also has added support for CryptoNightV7 (also included in the NiceHash Miner), so you might want to check it out as well if you are interested.
