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Influxcoin (INFX) is apparently today’s big hit in the world of altcoins as the interest and the exchange rate of the coin has exploded. The reason for the peak is the official announcement that the Microsoft has added the project in their continuing expansion of Azure’s Blockchain as a Service. Other coins that have been added today include Expanse (EXP), a project that was forked from Ethereum, Monero (XMR) and Radium (RADS). Influxcoin (INFX) is currently the most profitable X11-based altcoin to mine, so owners of iBeLink X11 ASIC miners might be interested in it, though larger scale X11 GPU miners might want to check it out as well. EXP, XMR and RADS are also gaining in terms of exchange rate, so worth keeping an eye on them as well, but INFX has shown the highest growth among the newly announced coins supported by Microsoft’s Azure.


The fork of ethminer from Genoil that is specifically optimized for Nvidia CUDA GPUs has been updated to a new beta version – Ethminer 0.9.41-genoil-1.0.6 (source). The latest release of Genoil’s ethminer for CUDA comes with some fixes and new useful features, so if you are using it you might be interested in checking the new 1.0.6 beta, but be aware it can have some bugs. The latest version by default should run on all available CUDA GPUs like it does for OpenCL, it has an option to delete old DAG files that are just taking up space, comes with Stratum support and an option to set a failover pool in case the main one fails for some reason. You can check the help.txt file for the new options available in the latest release and yo are welcome to try them and report if everything works Ok for you. The fork from Genoil, although targeted at Nvidia CUDA miners, will also work on AMD OpenCL GPUs, but there it should not be any different than from the default ethminer that is OpenCL only.

To download and try the latest Ethminer 0.9.41-genoil-1.0.6 beta 2 for Windows OS…


There has not been an update to the public ccMiner fork by SP of his Nvidia Maxwell optimized miner for quite some time, but he has just released some optimizations and so here comes a new Windows binary compiled from the latest Git source code of the ccMiner 1.5.78-git SP-MOD fork (source). The latest release comes with some small performance improvements in many algorithms, namely x11, x13, x14, x15, x17, nist5 and quark, so if you are mining any of these you might want to update. Have in mind that is also a CUDA 7.5 compiled release, the latest CUDA 6.5 release of SP’s fork of ccMiner was version 74. Do note that the SP-MOD fork of ccMiner is designed for Nvidia Maxwell GPUs such as the already available GTX 750, 750 Ti as well as the newer GTX 960, GTX 970, GTX 980 and GTX 980 Ti and GTX Titan X. The Windows binary release we have made available here is with support for Compute 5.0 and Compute 5.2 GPUs or with other words only for Maxwell-based Nvidia video cards compiled with CUDA 7.5 and VS2013.

To download the latest ccMiner for Maxwell version 1.5.78-git by SP for Windows OS…
