Posts Tagged ‘zcoin miner

The latest ccminer 1.1.23 djm34 fork for the MTP algorithm used by ZCoin (XZC) seems to be providing the best performance for more recent Nvidia mining GPUs such as GTX 1070 or 1080 Ti including the latest RTX 2080 Ti as well (faster than the recently updated T-Rex miner). Owners of GTX 1080-based GPUs with GDDR5X memory can use the OhGodAnETHlargementPill to get a bit of extra boost in performance. The miner is open source, though there is a built-in 0.25% fee (that can be turned off) in the officially compiled binaries for both Linux and Windows. Do note however that the official windows binary requires CUDA 10.1-compatible video driver, so you may need to update your mining rigs. Linux binaries are available for CUDA 0.2, 10 and 10.1. Stability wise the miner may not be perfect yet, so make sure you have a loop set when running it to have it restarted if it crashes. NiceHash mining does not seem to be supported for the moment.

To download and try the latest ccminer 1.1.23 djm34 fork for the MTP algorithm…

There is now a new sgminer fork with MTP support being actively developed by djm34 (source) that looks promising, though it might need some more extra work for becoming more stable stable and reliable. Performance results on AMD RX 580 and AMD VEGA GPUs are quite good compared to what Nvidia MTP miners are currently offering and hashrate is much better than what the only available option with MTP support for ADM so far was delivering up until now – WildRig Multi. So if you are interested in mining ZCoin using the MTP algorithm on AMD you might want to give the new sgminer fork a try, there are two separate kernels available – mtp and mtp_vega and you might try both on your AMD GPUs to see what works better. Do note that the sgminer fork with MTP support is currently only available with a Windows binаry, though since it is open source you can try compiling it on Linux.

To download and try the sgminer fork with MTP support for Windows (work in progress)…
