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One more quick update to version 0.6.6 for the T-Rex Nvidia GPU miner (development has been very active lately it seems) that brings extra performance for a recently introduced algorithm – BCD (Bitcoin Diamond), along with some small improvements in terms of functionality of the software. The new T-Rex 0.6.6 should bring a speed improvement of about 5% in the BCD algorithm over the recently released version T-Rex 0.6.5. Do note that the T-Rex is a closed source miner with 1% development fee built-in. Also make sure you have a recent video driver installed as the binaries for both Linux and Windows are compiled for CUDA 9.1/9.2.

For more information and to download and try the latest version of the T-Rex miner…

Some more invites are available for the invite-only Merit project that we have introduced a while ago, so if you are interested in it and want to give it a try mining or using, then feel free to apply using the link below. Merit (MRT) coins can still only be mined with Nvidia GPUs, though AMD miner is in the works for a while now, there is already a third-parity Merit CUDA miner available with more options that you can try as well. Merit has its own trading market (MRT-BTC) with escrow that works fast and is really reliable, so you can buy and sell coins on the market. Since it is invite only and invites need to be mined and it is not yet listed on any major exchange, Merit is still kind of under the radar, but the last few weeks there has been a significant growth with increased interest and more people joining the project. We have a limited number of invites available to give away, so please do not waste them, we are going to send invites as soon as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. Sending multiple invite requests will not get you accepted faster, in fact will have the opposite effect of not getting you invited at all!

Click here to get your invite and register a wallet at Merit in order to be able to try it out…

Innosilicon has just launched another BTC ASIC miner called T2Turbo+32T, a 32 THS miner that can run up to 36 THS according to the company with a power usage of 2200 Watts. What the company did with the new miner is to use the same 10nm ASIC chips like their previous 24 THS T2T-24T Bitcoin ASIC, but adding more chips running at lower operating frequency and delivering better efficiency per Watt. The efficiency in normal mode is 68 W/TH and the miner can apparently run in high-performance mode delivering up to 36 THS. Innosilicon currently has a special promotional price for the Innosiicon T2Turbo+32T of $1568 USD for online order with limited quantities available.

It seems that Innosilicon might be taking the lead in ASIC chip development for mining crypto currencies lately in terms of performance and efficiency even though it is not the largest company in this sector. Probably the fact that matters here is that the company has been designing and manufacturing chips even before venturing in the crypto mining market unlike most of the dedicated crypto ASIC manufacturers. What they still do seem to need to address however is their customer communications and service as this is what most customers that have some issues with their products issues are complaining from with Innosilicon
